Recent content by Joe - This Dying Wish

  1. J


    Uuuugh, the old Atheist V theist debate lol. Will this ever end :? I'm an atheist by the way, just in case any of you where wondering XD. I dunno, I am soooo bored of this debate. There is only so many times you can try and explain evolution to a young earther before you want to beat your own...
  2. J

    The banking crisis

    It is also the day the poor realize the rich serve no useful purpose, and we are a lot more in number than they! ;p
  3. J

    The banking crisis

    Here's an interesting idea. With the advent of open source multimedia, pear to pear in tandem with 3D printing, I wonder what will happen when these sorts of technologies converge so we can just essentially replicate things we need. It is entirely possible that when this occurs, the entire...
  4. J

    The banking crisis

    Rampant crony & predatory capitalism, corruption at every level of government. Near total apathy from the voters... where will it all end... Aaaaaah, I don't want to live in this planet any more...
  5. J

    Howdy all from the UK

    Hi folks, how are you all? Wintery metal climate not withstanding, there is still some great metal in England. Our glory days are not behind us, not by a long shot! Just wanted to say hi to you all. Peace and METAAAAAAAAL.