Recent content by -JohanFrisk-

  1. -JohanFrisk-

    WTB: Profire 2626

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  2. -JohanFrisk-

    Vocal help - "harsh cleans" ?

    oh sorry, i thought you (Öwen) were being sarcastic :o well I guess I'll have to make a short "audio lesson" or whatever as soon as i have access to my recording equipment since this has been asked a few times now... I might not have the prettiest voice but i don't think it would hurt anyone to...
  3. -JohanFrisk-

    Vocal help - "harsh cleans" ?

    do you mean trying to "singscream" with the false cord scream? :confused: ok, it took me forever to nail it but it's always been very easy on my cords. it actually feels great, like having a throat massage :loco: extreme fry screaming on the other hand fucks me up sometimes (but I'm not really...
  4. -JohanFrisk-

    Vocal help - "harsh cleans" ?

    Congrats, man! :kickass: As far as I know, there are 2 kinds of 'good' vocal distortion Vocal cord distortion (= fry), the distortion for the falsetto register False cord distortion, the thick sounding dist for growls in the modal register I'm pretty sure these 2 cannot be produced...
  5. -JohanFrisk-

    Vocal help - "harsh cleans" ?

    same basic technique, less saturation... EDIT: maybe... it should be pretty straightforward if you know how to "singscream" (as opposed to just growling)
  6. -JohanFrisk-

    need help for getting this scream right...

    *flattered* :tickled: I'm glad i could be of assistance. i wish you good luck with the screaming!
  7. -JohanFrisk-

    need help for getting this scream right...

    i believe IT IS the heat/grit technique you're looking for. you said that you know the low/mid/high falsechord-"growl" already. the heat tech is a combo between this (false chords) and some gentle yelling/shouting/singing (true vocal chords). the heat stuff only works for midrange stuff so for...
  8. -JohanFrisk-

    need help for getting this scream right...

    :wave: long thread, didn't read everything but do you already know this tech but struggle to go high-pitch with it or do super long screams like Chester? i'm not really an expert but i think i can do this tech fairly well :grin: so you basically want to combine (quiet) yelling with false...
  9. -JohanFrisk-

    I know the secret of Immortal's wall of sound

    :rolleyes: i don't wanna be a killjoy but... #1786
  10. -JohanFrisk-

    Thomann is now selling huge black dildos for a really low price

    That's just... ugly :ill: no wonder they sell cheap
  11. -JohanFrisk-

    Metal tune with Recabinet! Tigggghhhhht!

    oops, just to be crystal clear, the weird stuff happens @ 21.51 , 23.65 & 25.78 (sec) in the first tight riff... it's sounds a little 'fake' imo when the guitars suddenly explode out of nowhere :rolleyes: but i bet some people are gonna like it the way it is (edit: the length of the segments...
  12. -JohanFrisk-

    Metal tune with Recabinet! Tigggghhhhht!

    if you cut your *chugga chugga* stuff too early it's sure gonna sound tight but also very unnatural and just "chopped off". try giving the mutes some more time to fade out (Edit: it's the 0:21 riff that has these edits) btw, i looked you up on youtube. you are one hell of a guitar player :notworthy
  13. -JohanFrisk-

    Rate Last Videogame you played , write a one sentence review.

    the infinite cycle: "HELP ME LEOOON!", [10 seconds of beautiful silence], repeat... Gotsta get the knight armor for Ashley, it's mandatory :erk: Pro: you get a badass mobster suit w/ matching hat Con: Ashley's footsteps... *KLONK KLONK KLONK KLONK KLONK* :yell:
  14. -JohanFrisk-

    Rate Last Videogame you played , write a one sentence review.

    Resident Evil 4 (Wii edition) - words can't describe how epic this game is :rock: and how annoying the little bitch is :Shedevil: i had to play it through three times, just BECAUSE :notworthy and the controls are the best EVER! accurate shooting in 3D and still has that classic Resi movement...
  15. -JohanFrisk-

    Metal tune with Recabinet! Tigggghhhhht!

    I agree with what they said about bass grind and the strange guitar edits OT: :OMG: :eek: :OMG: :eek: :OMG: Please tell me this song is for Anthem Alone if so, damn... i gotta audition :goggly: