Recent content by John

  1. J

    Acoustic Strings...

    My current set I have right now are the elixir polywebs 12-53 gauge. Before that I used Martin Marquis 12-54 gauge. If you pay close attention you can hear the difference between the two, especially over a period of time. The polywebs are basically dead after about a month's use. I generally...
  2. J

    Demand for original Candlelight pressing?

    It's been over a year since I've listened to Opeth, nearly two years since I've lurked around here. So I had a question about the re-issues, and I figured the best place to get this question answered was here. Concerning the re-issues for My arms, Your Hearse and Still Life do the new bonus...
  3. J

    It's a masterpiece.....

    it's probably too late for this but anyone mind sending a pm to me so i can listen to the new album? if not thanks anyone
  4. J

    More News on MP3's and CD's

    Other possibilities I found this on another forum. If you haven't read it yet, give it a read. John
  5. J

    Napster back online!

    The program is called Ad-ware. John
  6. J

    Napster back online!

    If you want to get rid of spyware, goto You can get rid of the spyware that Audiogalaxy uses, and it will still work. If you want to get rid of spyware just go to that address I posted above. John