Recent content by Johnny Apocalypse

  1. J

    The Heaviest Fucking Metal Band

    Considering the majority of the bands named AREN'T HEAVY METAL, this thread fails.
  2. J

    the hate thread

    I hate Black Metal.
  3. J

    Rock against communism

    This topic makes me laugh, most bands do this sorta thing as a gimmick and you fucking morons lap it up and believe every word they say. Twats.
  4. J

    New Megadeth song...

    Tr00f dat.
  5. J

    Battle Metal

    I know, they all have bitchtits. I'm quite fond of some of their songs though.
  6. J

    Battle Metal

    And Black Metal = frilly metal?
  7. J

    Isis - In The Absence Of Truth

    Ahhh, excellent, I shall be buying this on my next outing. Some guy where I work let me borrow Oceanic and the Remix Album, then Panopticon. Pretty damn sexy
  8. J

    Battle Metal

    I'll add Ensiferum and Manowar to that list. Oh and hello, newbie here.