Recent content by jonasbjarki

  1. jonasbjarki

    Classic footage of the Greg Walls, Neil Turbin, Greg D'Angelo, Lilker, & Ian Line-up.
  2. jonasbjarki

    Worship music leaked

    this album is not thrash metal. merely over-produced rock with over-the-top choruses. cheap songs, cheap riffs, and cheap thrills for the easily entertained rock fans. ....once again, not thrash metal. this from an old school 'thrax fan who would rather be listening to exodus.
  3. jonasbjarki

    The Devil You Know

    "The Devil You Know" - I listened to it before it got removed. With its ear-catching chorus, it might as well have been a Damned Things song. Didn't sound like any kind of Thrash Metal at all... just saying.
  4. jonasbjarki

    Best/Worst album covers in Metal/Rock

    The worst ever, but again that's why I like it. LOL! And this was one of my favorites as a kid. Used to have the 12-inch record and poster on my wall when I was about 13 years old. Stared at it for dazzzze.
  5. jonasbjarki

    Biggest Disappointments in Metal History

    Anthrax - Sound of White Noise Metallica - Black Album
  6. jonasbjarki

    Your 1 absolute favourite metal record of all time

    Exodus - Fabulous Disaster I remember buying it on cassette tape when it was first released, when I was in the 5th grade. I thought I would get in trouble for listening to it because it was so heavy. LOL!
  7. jonasbjarki

    It's on. More Big 4 shows.

    Drop this Biffy Clyro thing and add Exodus! After all, the Big 4 should at least have one other band in the mix (besides Slayer) that still plays Thrash Metal.
  8. jonasbjarki

    Dan Spitz update

    Dan Spitz has a good head on his shoulders and that shows in itself by him staying out of Anthrax for the time being. Though I'd love to see him back, it's hard to take the band too seriously as a stable project until they get that new release out and stuff. Overall, I'm very glad to hear he's...
  9. jonasbjarki

    Underrated Anthrax songs

    I thought for sure someone would have trolled this topic by now and posted "Leader of the Land" from their 1982 demo or some other rare track... LOL So yeah, "underrated"... as in an unsung studio album track which you think is really good and should be performed live in place of one their...
  10. jonasbjarki

    Just cranked POT.... some thoughts.

    i was in the 6th grade when this one came out. on the day it was released, i rode my skateboard to 'budget tapes & records' in smalltown williston, north dakota and bought the cassette tape which they had on hold for me. from the initial minimalist riffing in the opening track i knew right...
  11. jonasbjarki

    bring back bush!!!!!!!!!!

    metalmarkk, i just checked out all your previous posts and ALL of them about bashing joey and bringing bush back. everyone here has an opinion on the matter. but you really are not contributing to this board with your obvious trolling.
  12. jonasbjarki

    John Bush on Mars Attacks Podcast

    Very true indeed. I've been sharing a lot of this new footage from recent shows with my friends (young & old) and many of them found it to be a pleasant surprise that Joey was in the band because they "...stopped paying attention a long time ago".
  13. jonasbjarki


    yeah dude, annihlator is rad! padden is really talented to keep up on the guitar with waters and to still perform as a solid singer. waters has always said that annihilator has a huge following in germany. pretty sure that his girlfriend/wife is german as well. in any how, glad you had a...
  14. jonasbjarki

    Really good video I took from Orlando with my digital camera

    great footage, thanks for sharing. nice to see mustaine singing properly, rather than like an old lady at chruch... like on those sofia-sonisphere videos. i agree that rob basically has the stage presence of a mall-punk. i'd rather see a short, stocky dan spitz up there flexing his muscles...
  15. jonasbjarki

    Another stab at Only

    yeah, if they want to thrive as a solid band again they should step out of their box a little bit & have the balls to play some other material & "unsung" songs. their set has become totally recycled, predictable, & very cheesy. they might as well already be on the state-fair circuit with...