Recent content by Jonjy2

  1. J

    Do you prefer working with males or females?

    I work for a tour company in Boston. Most of the girls there are bitches, and the guys usually get along with me pretty well.. There are actually a couple of older ladies who work there who kick serious ass... EDIT: I'ma a guy btw ^^
  2. J

    How And When You Discovered Children Of Bodom?

    Metal Recommendation Thread on UG... :D Found them under melodic-death and checked them out...
  3. J

    The First Bodom Song You Ever Heard?

    I think the first song was either Bed of Razorz or FtR... I can't remember which. I was impressed at the melodic aspect of it. (They were the first melodic-death band I got into)
  4. J

    Dance of the Mourning Child Pre-order! (finally)

    I am going to send out a check soon :D I can't wait, I've literally gotten myself addicted to the four songs on your myspace... :p