Recent content by JonOrriols

  1. J

    murderous ambition

    hey guys, check out my band.. the recording that's up there is just a demo i did here at home with no vocals on it yet, but we're hard at work on the album. tell me what you think :)
  2. J

    if you like capharnaum/death/cynic/between the buried and me

    check out my band, you might like it
  3. J

    keyboardists read! :)

    like.. a band over the internet, write music and record stuff and send to each other
  4. J

    me improvising on a bt

    it's really cool for the most part.. but try to work on phrasing and vibrato a bit.. other than it's cool, man
  5. J

    my style

    i try to have good phrasing.. i LOOOVE allan holdsworth, so i don't know what exactly to call it.. paul gilbert meets holdsworth meets who knows what..
  6. J

    keyboardists read! :)

    i forgot to mention, i'm a guitar player
  7. J

    new to this forum!

    i'm new to this forum, my name's jonathan... hi. can anybody tell me if they've heard anything about new symphony x material? :)
  8. J

    keyboardists read! :)

    hey, if there are any keyboardists that wanna make an online prog band, hit me up on AIM... i've got a lot of time on my hands, and i don't know anyone in my town that would be down.. =) any other musicians are welcome to join, singers/bass players/drummers... but i've got a drum machine...