Recent content by Jowood

  1. J


    Remember when Roadrunner had bands like Pestilence and didn't suck balls? That was a damn long time ago. The whole idea of a rework of A Tout Le Monde with Lacuna Coil makes me a bit queasy.
  2. J


    Jesus, what great news. They were done a disservice in their early careers by short-sighted and half-witted people who tagged them with the Metallica clone label. To me they are the Anti-Metallica. As Metallica was pussying out Testament got heavier and in my opinion even better. The Gathering...
  3. J

    Iced Earth Guitarist arrested

    Man, thats totally unexpected. Rape, kidnapping, weapon possession. Wow.
  4. J

    Bands you listened to before you listened to metal

    Rap, a whole lot of rap. Ultramagnetic MCs, B-Boys, Public Enemy, THe Wu Tang Clan and their solo stuff, Africa Bambaata, Del, etc. I still listen to rap pretty heavily, not as much as metal but still a lot, and I've been spinning Viktor Vaughn stuff pretty regularily like Madvillany and...
  5. J

    Best Metal band name of all time..

    Anthrax has always been a favorite of mine. Why? Because it isn't an -er thing Like Slayer, Annhilator, Kreator, there is a certain amount of subtlety to it, too, unlike something like Deicide. Also, its very, very fun to shout. Overkill: Sums the vocals, the guitarwork, the whole ethos of the...
  6. J

    New Metallica Album

    Thrash classic? Are we asking if Metallica has it in them to make another thrash classic? At this point in their career I'd be shocked, absolutely shocked, if they could get the nuggets to go back to their roots and put out a decent thrash album. Not all time, not must own, not "Dude, if you...
  7. J

    slayers christ illusion

    Its a letdown to me. 5 years for this? It doesn't even hold a candle to South of Heaven or Seasons in the Abyss. 7/10, with a point given just because, shit, its Slayer.:rock:
  8. J

    They Want Kiss!

    They've existed for as long as the entire thrash movement and not one thrash band is in there. It'll be decades before even big time speed/thrash bands get the nod. The sparse selection of punk bands is also very glaring. There are also a lot of real head scratchers in there. Blondie...
  9. J


    Its all the same in the dark, baby. Plus, the legs are killer and more than balance out the face. On topic, it seems that Hollywood has done nothing but crap out remakes, sequels and adaptations of books and comics for about 5 years. And for years box office sales have been down. For instance...
  10. J

    Convicted Child Molster "Too Short" for Prison

    Serial rapists exist. My next point is if you put him in general population to punish him for molestation an even more heinous crime will be done... He will be killed. A 49 inch non-violent person in general population who committed a crime as hated and loathesome as molestation is dead meat...
  11. J

    Convicted Child Molster "Too Short" for Prison

    As much as you think this is a stupid ruling... Ian442 is right, this guy wouldn't last a day in general population. He'll still wind up in jail but not with violent criminals. And molestation is nowhere near as bad as murder. Its not even as bad as rape.
  12. J

    Fuck Ted Nugent

    I think drugs are bad, too, but the Nuge just takes it to a whole new level of frothing at the mouth idiocy. On the Cat Scratch Fever controversy, I think Sweaty Uncle Teddy is right. It is a pretty weak cover and it does feel a little dry and "white". I fail to see how this has anything to...
  13. J

    Punk is dead

    Hawthorne Heights is terrible. Its a trend. Once all the high schoolers realize how stupid it was they'll all have a good laugh and listen to a better and more diverse selection of music.
  14. J

    Nice job air marshall.

    I'm kind of confused by this. Why would a guy with bipolar freak out like this? It just doesn't jive with what I know about bipolar disorder. This doesn't look like the guy forgot to take his pills and freaked out. This looks like suicide by Marshall. Maybe he was in the depressive stage of...