Recent content by Jrod

  1. Jrod

    Worship Music Double Splatter LP 4 sale

    How much are you asking for it?
  2. Jrod

    Worship music with Nelson

    I'd be interested in hearing it, but only out of curiosity.
  3. Jrod

    Just realised ...

    I honestly feel stupid now.
  4. Jrod

    How we all feel about IMF09's departure

    Wow. Epic thread is epic. I don't know the specifics behind his banning, nor do I really care. It is what it is. I don't think I've ever seen him take something to the personal level that I've seen in this very thread though.
  5. Jrod

    I never knew Metallica also covered this song!!

    Well, to be fair, this was just a rough version they recorded when they were trying to decide which song to cover on that Ramones tribute album on which 53rd & 3rd appeared. They also did a few other Ramones songs that ended up as b sides to various versions of the St. Anger single. Yes, the...
  6. Jrod

    Lou Reed and Metallica...

    I've got every other Metallica record, might as well pick this up as well and give it a full listen before judging it. But this song isn't what I'd call promising. I'm looking forward to the new Megadeth much more than this, even though half the record is already out there.
  7. Jrod

    anthrax 12 on billboard

    Thought these two blabbermouth posts were funny: COMMENT | #posted by : tsiemens9/21/2011 1:38:49 PM - I would have bought this album, but honestly I have young kids who don't need to see a cover with a giant pentagram on it.... * 'RE: #'posted by : Burgess Megadeth9/21/2011 1:59:12 PM -...
  8. Jrod

    Is Worship Music the BEST Anthrax record of all time?

    I don't think it's the best Anthrax album ever, but it is a really good one. Top five, easy. And for me, the best album so far this year, unless I end up getting a copy of The Thrashening by In Malice's Wake and end up enjoying the rest of it as much as the two songs I've managed to find so...
  9. Jrod

    Anyone know what time Anthrax goes on?

    Yeah, Shawn Drover posted on the Megadeth forums that they will be playing tomorrow.
  10. Jrod

    Why do bands have to...

    I don't mind the short transitional tracks. If anything I like that they aren't part of an actual song, as sometimes I think they sound stupid and I like the fact that I can choose to skip them. The hidden track thing is annoying. If I want to listen to New Noise, I have to listen to five...
  11. Jrod

    GOT IT

    Wow, and I thought I got a good deal picking it up for $10.99. Anyway, I love the artwork within the package. The package itself, not so much. Frustrating comes to mind. Overall, I'm very happy with it. I got the last one on the shelf.
  12. Jrod

    O/T: Check out this stuff

    This sounds good. Is there a website where I can buy a copy?
  13. Jrod

    Worship music leaked

    Yeah, my only problem with Joey is when he doesn't bother to learn all the lyrics to a song he's performing on stage. Seriously, how difficult is it to learn Am I Evil? I never had doubts about his voice though.
  14. Jrod

    What Gives?

  15. Jrod

    Worship music leaked

    Fuck, I caved. I feel so dirty. :o Anyway, listening to Judas Priest right now. This is a very good record.