Recent content by Judge Dred

  1. J

    \m/ What song is the definition of METAAALLLL!!! \m/

    Black Sabbath - Black Sabbath. The first heavy metal song. Revolutionary for it's time. Hell, it still is. It's dark, it's scary, and it kicks ass. That's the defenition of metal, period.
  2. J

    Rage Against The Machine?

    Anyone like them? I absolutely love them. You can't imagine how pissed I was when I heard the first Audioslave single, expecting to hear a badass rap by Zach, and instead hearing Chris Cornell's voice. :Puke: I love all of their albums, Evil Empire being my favorite. They brought extreme...
  3. J

    Who Are You?

    Name: Chris Favorite Band: Metallica or Iron Maiden Favorite Food: Anything Italian Favorite Sport: Football Favorite Team: Denver Broncos Something Unusual About Me: I have ADD and OCD. Hobbies: Music, obviously. I attempt to play guitar, but fail. :D
  4. J

    Steve Irwin dead.....

    Steve Irwin kicked so much ass. May he R.I.P.
  5. J

    Girl Gets Stabbed For Liking AC/DC

    Damn, this is getting bad. I know how it feels to be singled out though. I go to a high school with around 2,000 kids, almost all who are jocks, cheerleaders, or preps, except for a group of about 25 metalheads. There's a plus to this though. I can always spot my dark clothed friends through the...
  6. J


    I know what real metal is. I've been listening to it all my life, literally. So I wouldn't question my allegence to metal, because I would burn you. And because of the fact that you don't like them, they aren't metal? I don't like Slipknot, but I consider them to be metal. Am I saying that they...
  7. J

    System Of A Down?

    SOAD is an original band. Honestly, can you name a band that sounds like them, that isn't a complete ripoff? I love them. Their last two albums were subpar, but Toxicity and Steal This Album were awesome.
  8. J


    I HATE when people get technical. Slipknot is metal, plain and simple. You can argue all you want "they use turntables, they don't have guitar solos." So what? They are different, but that does not mean they aren't metal. That statement is totally biased. You honestly think that if you took...
  9. J

    Grunge Rock

    I liked a lot of grunge. Alice In Chains, Soundgarden, Pearl Jam, Mudhoney, Stone Temple Pilots stand out to me the most.
  10. J

    Bands you listened to before you listened to metal

    N/A. I was raised on metal. Maybe Sesame Street and Barney? Not trying to say that all I ever listened to was metal, I liked other types of music during my younger days, and still do, but technically I listened to nothing before metal.
  11. J

    Great names for new bands

    Hmmm... Dead On Arrival Necromancer Can't think of anything, really.
  12. J

    Five perfect heavy metal albums

    Metallica - Master Of Puppets Anthrax - Among The Living Slayer - Reign In Blood Iron Maiden - Number Of The Beast Pantera - Vulgar Displays Of Power
  13. J

    Dragonforce! What's the big deal?

    I like Dragonforce. I don't care what anyone says. No, there are not my favorite band, or even close to it, but I enjoyed the album, the lyrics fit good with the music, and the solos were insane. It may be an aqquired taste, but I like it.
  14. J

    Most unknown band you listen to?

    Havok, Sacred Reich, Dirty Rotten Imbeciles, can't think of any other "underground" bands.
  15. J

    Thrash Isn't Dead

    "I'm The Man" is a great song. And yeah, Industrial is cool. I only know a few bands though. But I like what i've heard.