Recent content by JuJu Bean

  1. JuJu Bean

    Strange Fact

    Fact- Everyone in the world is a hypocrite, more than half of them don't know it.
  2. JuJu Bean

    Post ugly pictures of yourselves!

    Dude, what are you talking about, look at your avatar. :p
  3. JuJu Bean

    2 bodom songs that will sound great together

    Wrath Within and Warheart.
  4. JuJu Bean

    How metal are you?

    I'm not metal, I make metal.
  5. JuJu Bean


    I'd ask him what he'd want to do, then just take it from there. I don't do plans, and drinking can only do so much and go so far, honestly.
  6. JuJu Bean

    COB keyboard sheets plz..

    No, but you do. You wish you knew... unless that's ButteredToast. :p What's with the sig? A little too happy to see Alexi? *Bow chicka ya yow!* :lol: :ill:
  7. JuJu Bean

    Own Pictures Thread

    Aw Mitchy Poo, now all the mystery is lost. But I finally got to see you. :heh: Now on to your brother (the one with the wonderful British accent who plays muscle-man in front of the mirror! Can he please invite me over for everlasting tea time? I have Marie-Lu Biscuits which I shall bring).
  8. JuJu Bean

    Guitar Player's Thread

    I don't know where it went/what page it's on, and I'm too lazy to look for it. So I'll just refer to it- The first forum jam was pretty cool, even though I've never thought shredding over a blues backing track would work, but hey, it wasn't half bad. That's actually where I'd have to give...
  9. JuJu Bean

    Own Pictures Thread

    Oh man, if ever you deserved a rep! Quite the drag queen you'd make. :lol: :Puke:
  10. JuJu Bean

    Anyone ever wonder where Metal might be in 50years time?

    Haha, this is a pretty funny topic, but cool all the same. Honestly, I don't know what will happen in 50 years and I don't care. I mean, I'll experience it when it comes around, if I'm still around that is. All I know is that I'll be listening to the same music I do now when I'm old because...
  11. JuJu Bean


    Probably 'cause he smells the same way! :p Keep dreaming only Alexi's gooch can smell like Jaska's gig pants. :lol:
  12. JuJu Bean

    Alexi Laiho gives a "private" guitar lesson!!

    Damn dude, that kid's a disgrace. What a waste of Alexi's time, you could kinda see it on his face too, slightly taken aback by the basic questions but playing it off cool. Someone ought to tell that kid to go chase after Avenged Sevenfold, since that's obviously the look he's going for. You...
  13. JuJu Bean


    And pop another one of your organs? No thanks. Now stop filling Jan-Jan's birthday thread with yer stench.
  14. JuJu Bean


    Yeah, smell good. Unlike you arse, might I add.