Recent content by Justin_BORK

  1. Justin_BORK

    Where do you live?

    Manchester, New Hampshire
  2. Justin_BORK

    The Great Cold Distance Box (Maybe Blakkheim will know)

    new hampshire huh? :cool:
  3. Justin_BORK

    Anders Nyström...

    i dont believe soilwork ever has :mad:
  4. Justin_BORK

    The Thread Where You Talk About Music You Like

    nightwish are awful (imo)
  5. Justin_BORK

    Anathema supporting HIM?

    its funny you think like that because Anathema themselves probably don't and would call you silly for saying such things.
  6. Justin_BORK

    Top 10 Favorite Movies of 2005

    does this thread really belong here? if so, does it need to?
  7. Justin_BORK

    the only reason why katatonia won't ever be chart breakers...

    Yeah, all the Katatonia albums I've purchased were second hand (aka used).
  8. Justin_BORK


    It'll make springs arrival that much more endearing!
  9. Justin_BORK

    Meaning of Tonight's Decision?

    It could mean anything. There are a lot of hours in a night.
  10. Justin_BORK

    the only reason why katatonia won't ever be chart breakers...

    no, because they're on peaceville.
  11. Justin_BORK

    Brave Murder Day/For Funerals To Come (remastered?)

    I want the entire album to sound like the selections on it from 'Brave Yester Days' did.
  12. Justin_BORK


    Main Entry: con·ster·na·tion Pronunciation: "kän(t)-st&r-'nA-sh&n Function: noun Etymology: French or Latin; French, from Latin consternation-, consternatio, from consternare to throw into confusion, from com- + -sternare, probably from sternere to spread, strike down -- more at STREW ...
  13. Justin_BORK

    2005 Paradise Lost CD

    Nothing I'm crazy about. As a band, their hooks aren't consistent and strong enough for the genre they're playing. About it in my sig, I just love the albums art.
  14. Justin_BORK

    Kill time with your new "Top 10 Favorite Katatonia Songs" list

    The lack of Dispossesion in most of your lists really disturbs me... 01. Disposession 02. Wealth 03. Teargas 04. Sweet Nurse 05. Evidence 06. For My Demons 07. Rainroom 08. I Break 09. Brave 10. Murder