Recent content by JustinIrradiation

  1. J

    Irradiation (Can) - Thrash Metal / Punk

    Hello, I play in a d.i.y. Thrash Metal / Crossover Crust Punk band named Irradiation, based out of Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada. Some key influences for us are: The Dayglo Abortions, Metallica, Sepultura, D.R.I., and Discharge to name a few. We've released 2 studio EP's as well as numerous...
  2. J

    Irradiation(CAN) -Free Music!- Thrash/Punk

    Greetings, everyone, I would just like to take a moment of your time and share with you some music for you to check out! Feedback and criticism is welcome! Band Facebook: Irradiation is a Thrash/Punk band from Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada, and have...