Recent content by Kanik666

  1. K

    Helloween cover. Anyone wanna do vox?

    Do you think you could post the DI's on the OP so others can try to do some vox? :)
  2. K

    Guitar Instrumental Mix-DI's included.

    Here's my attempt. Decided to leave the effects off the guitars, I think they sound better that way.
  3. K

    Practice Time 04 - LIKE MOTH TO FLAMES - Di files inside

    Here's my mix. Using EZdrummer 1 with Drumkit from Hell, but I plan on upgrading it pretty soon.
  4. K

    WASTED WORDS [AILD] — Full Song To Mix!

    Here's my attempt with my vocals on top. Can't really do that high pitched thing he does well so I made do. Link to vocals:
  5. K

    Skyrim inspired instrumental death metal

    I don't suppose you'd want some vocals for this?
  6. K

    Crazy train Metal Cover Mix

    Nice to get some positive feedback for once haha. Thanks a lot guys! :rock:
  7. K

    Some mixing practice for you - Breaking Benjamin "Diary of Jane"

    Here's my go at it. Rookie mixer here.
  8. K

    Crazy train Metal Cover Mix

    I had to Frankenstein the fuck out of it to get the lyrics to fit but here is my probably sub-par attempt.
  9. K

    Crazy train Metal Cover Mix

    Would you be terribly against me throwing some of my own vocals on top of a mix?