Recent content by karl o'magnus

  1. K

    SAISON DE ROUILLE new LP/Crowdfunding-presales

    We arrive at the end of the funding for this second album: there remains only one week. We are delighted to know that only a handful of euros, about ten pre-orders at a preferential rate (€ 8 each). In any case, the album will go to press next week, with delivery expected in maximum 2...
  2. K

    SAISON DE ROUILLE new LP/Crowdfunding-presales

    3 weeks will end the financing by preorders of our second record. We reached almost 80%. The end seems near, and hopefully start pressing vinyl before April. Feel free to preorder the latest copies (3 labels have already booked a few stocks) and to continue to share information around you...
  3. K

    SAISON DE ROUILLE new LP/Crowdfunding-presales

    It's been three weeks since we launched the project crowdfounding (by pre) for the release of our new album. We are currently 60% of the funding, which is very valuable but insufficient. We can not even begin pressing of the album. So we still need your support, not financial but...
  4. K

    SAISON DE ROUILLE new LP/Crowdfunding-presales

    Nearly 60% in two weeks. A few more efforts and we will begin pressing in early March. Continue to share information and link, and thus spread the season rusty! We stay open to a co-production of labels, if any still exists! Everything is here: Thank you...
  5. K

    SAISON DE ROUILLE new LP/Crowdfunding-presales

    SAISON DE ROUILLE is looking for funds for the release of its second record in vinyl format: After a year of intense work composition , SAISON DE ROUILLE finished recording "Déroutes Sans Fin", a*dark story of forced journeys on chaotic and noisy roads...
  6. K

    Saison de Rouille / "Caduta dei Gravi" LP (coprod)

  7. K

    Saison de Rouille / "Caduta dei Gravi" LP (coprod)

    The "Season of Rust" was born in the summer of 2011, originally formed by Karl S. (Danishmendt) and Sébastyén D. (Opium Dream Estate). "Caduta dei gravi" (The falling bodies) takes place at the crossroads of dark and noisy musics, which invite brutal industrial orgies oscillating between slow...
  8. K

    Valborg & Danishmendt on tour april 20-24th (De, F, Bel)

    Hails, Danishmendt (France - Cold Void Emanations/Odio Sonoro) and Valborg (Germany - Zeitgester Music) will be touring together from Wednesday 20th of April untill Sunday 24th : April 20th : Bonn @ Bla April 21th : Munchen @ Sunny Red April 22th : Le Thillot @ Chez Fat April 23th ...
  9. K

    DANISHMENDT- new album coming soon (noise & black doom metal from France)
  10. K

    DANISHMENDT- new album coming soon (noise & black doom metal from France)
  11. K

    Danishmendt -Valborg tour in april 2011 : looking for german gigs

    We still need help for the 20th and 24th of april between Bonn and Switzerland Thanx!
  12. K

    Danishmendt -Valborg tour in april 2011 : looking for german gigs

    Hails, Danishmendt (France - Cold Void Emanations/Odio Sonoro) and Valborg (Germany - Zeitgester Music) will be touring together from Wednesday 20th of April untill Saturday 23rd. We are looking for promoters and venues across Europe. Our expenses amount approximately to 300 euros. Eight...
  13. K

    DANISHMENDT- new album coming soon (noise & black doom metal from France)