Recent content by Karrakk

  1. K

    Chicago in-store

    I didn't know that they were doing an instore... where? Tower or something? I saw the dates for the House of Blues show... but I can't do it. I work next door at Bin 36, and there's no way I'm getting saturday night off. Boo! Oh well... Mastodon will be here next week.. I'm a rock out...
  2. K

    Album of the year

    Damn... I'm stuck between a couple. The Crown - Crowned In Terror. Awesome fucking metal from our Swedish friends... with Tompa on vox. But, considering how br00tal Deathrace King was, this one fails a bit. Definitely in the top ten. Yakuza - Way of the Dead. In the same vein as the...
  3. K

    If your house was on fire and you could only save 20 cds....

    If my place were to catch fire right now... Aesop Rock - Labor Days ALL - Allroy's Revenge Arch Enemy - Wages of Sin At the Gates - Slaughter of the Soul The Crown - Death Race King Miles Davis - Bitches Brew El-P - Fantastic Damage Dillinger Escape Plan - Calculating Infinity...
  4. K

    Stuck MoJo To Reunite For New Years Show

    Shit yeah! An interesting side note to this, is one of my closest friends dated Bonz for a good while... Okay, not terribly interesting, but whatever ;) This is awesome.
  5. K

    Origins of your nickname

    The name I had for a character that I played for 3+ years of EverQuest. Yeah, I'm a dork. What?
  6. K

    The Haunted "One Kill Wonder"

    Can't wait... 2003 is gonna be bonkaz for releases! The Haunted Aesop Rock Cannibal Ox Arch Enemy (possible) The Crown (I'm hoping haha) Tool (Possible) Fuck yah \m/
  7. K

    DIsturbed and System

    Well, System of a Down is awesome. I got into them right before their first album came out. I was working at Tower Records at the time, and was poking around in the promo CD area in the back room. I found the System CD, and saw that they were on American, like Slayer. I grabbed it and rocked...
  8. K

    What if....

    *puts on flak jacket* They became a far cry from the band they were the moment they outsted Belladonna. The Sound of White Noise was the first step down for them... damn. Sucks that Milano acted retarded, another SOD would have rocked. bonkaz. Anyway... yeah. Stomp 442 and Threat Is...
  9. K

    Choose your favourite Souls Of Black.

    "Within the law, they'll rip you off, then write you off... MALPRACTICE! And in the end, you'll let them win, please come again... MALPRACTICE! ;)
  10. K

    What do you guys think about Overkill??

    I loved Overkill since Under the Influence dropped. I went back and picked up Fuck You and Taking Over, and was pleased. "Electro-Violence" has to be one of the best thrash tracks ever. Years of Decay got (and still does get) alot of play in my stereo. I was really fortunate and got a...
  11. K

    Anthrax in Vice City!

    When I picked this game up, I knew there'd be a metal station, but I didn't know the details... First car I get into, I tune it to VRock, and hear "Madhouse" going... I was like "Holy shit, this is bonkaz!" When they followed with "Raining Blood", I freaked. I flipped out and killed...