Recent content by Keann_Athos

  1. Keann_Athos

    ProgPower USA

    Thanks for the info For Your amusement, to remind You how fortunate You are not to be hooked up with one of the shadier and demented record labels: some kid on a mixing engineering forum was asking us what the roles of various record label personnel are. One guy wrote a post including...
  2. Keann_Athos

    Help with singing please.

    good advice, from the other folks
  3. Keann_Athos

    Where to buy Katagory V

    Thanks for the information. We tried to go to the Metal Ages online shop to look for stuff but it's been "down for maintenance" for a while now.
  4. Keann_Athos

    Operation: Mindcrime II ??

    Wow! Thank You for the information. We still listen to Quensryche's older albums consistently. By the way, we listened to the All That I Bleed sound samples on the record label's site. Good good stuff y'all. Keep rockin.
  5. Keann_Athos

    Metal and accessibility

    I started playing in metal bands, in Dallas, Texas, when I was 13....played our first live show when I was 14. Back then (1984) metal and hard rock were everywhere. In fact, the guitarist and drummer from Pantera used to jam with all of us in a giant airplane hanger than my friend Mark...
  6. Keann_Athos

    cakewalk home studio question!? newbie.

    Another thing I should mention is that some of the newer sound cards, inside of computers, have MIDI tone generators built into them. Depending on Your computer system, I could help You figure out if Your sound card has a MIDI tone takes different ways to figure out if You do...
  7. Keann_Athos

    need help playing solos,help me.

    maybe one day You could try some simple guitar tab lessons if You do, check out this place: and and The guy who mentioned trying to...
  8. Keann_Athos

    cakewalk home studio question!? newbie.

    Here's a short and sweet on how the MIDI stuff works for sounds: no Cakewalk software, by itself, has a built in tone generator. The reason You'd need a tone generator is that all the entered notes in the world, in Cakewalk, are just instructions which will tell a tone generator which...
  9. Keann_Athos

    Help! My computer won't let me record....

    Many times, even with all other applications closed, computers store information in the form of temporary files or caches. For example, You connect to a net-station, using WinAmp. The streaming audio will send packets to Your WinAmp player, which are buffered and pre-cached. Often, if You...
  10. Keann_Athos

    Recommend me a keyboard.

    Those are great suggestions. One I would HIGHLY recommend (because I just bought one myself) is the Yamaha S03. You won't find a single Synthesizer with as many voices for anywhere near the price range. In fact, most of the multi-thousand dollar Synths don't have as many either. The Synthesis...
  11. Keann_Athos

    Help with singing please.

    I'm sorry, I forgot that You had asked what the difference between tone and pitch is. The pitch of the singing is the actual note. Like A, E, F sharp. It's the note being sung. The tone is the character of the singing voice. Some singers have a really bassy singing voice, which means the tone...
  12. Keann_Athos

    Help with singing please.

    If You like, I can offer some tips for generally improving singing, both live and for recording. 1) Take small steps. The human vocal organs can easily get scarred and it'll severely limit Your musical career if You injure the thin membranes in there over and over. Just like working out...
  13. Keann_Athos

    New Theocracy Rehearsal VIDEO!!!

    Good job kid. I didn't know You actually had a band behind You now. We'd heard that You did the debut album totally solo (which is mighty impressive). Sounds like You all know how to do the basic microphone placement, sound routing, all that, very well. Good control of the gain and good chunk...
  14. Keann_Athos

    Random Music Thought

    oh! by the way.... we just realized that it's Your Birthday really soon, Matt. Happiest Birthday wishes man. May the Lord richly bless You.
  15. Keann_Athos

    Random Music Thought

    I was just thinking about this a few days ago, when someone was playing a song from a very old Halloween album (the flip side to Disney's original Haunted Mansion). I used to listen to LPs while laying on the floor, head against a speaker, playing our family's acoustic gutar, watching the moon...