Recent content by kenny8505

  1. kenny8505

    Mastering with Slate FG-X.

    Just got it and I am extremely satisfied with it. Really retains my mix with complete transparency. My Master Bus Chain: Waves Q10 Waves C4 FG-X Waves L3 I'm kinda self taught on mastering. Not sure if...
  2. kenny8505

    Shure SM7B. Opinions?

    Well from what you all are saying looks like I'm getting this mic. :lol: Thanks for the feedback and opinions! So excited to work with it.
  3. kenny8505

    Shure SM7B. Opinions?

    That's pretty cool how he's using it in the control room. Cool Video!
  4. kenny8505

    Shure SM7B. Opinions?

    Alrighty, as long as its nothing major were good. haha.
  5. kenny8505

    Drop G band that I need help finalizing.

    Love the mix dude, the only thing I'm hearing is the dullness in the overall tone. Try boosting the high high frequencies just a tad. Around 16k and up. That's what I do when I have a dullness problem. Other than that its great! Love the vocals! :rock: I'm close to getting the SM7B. You...
  6. kenny8505

    Shure SM7B. Opinions?

    Fair enough +1
  7. kenny8505

    Shure SM7B. Opinions?

    I'm really close on deciding to get this my mic. My vocal results need improvement and I just need a new source to be honest. Hows the hardware? Durable enough for use by hand over a couple years? I've heard it in mixes and loved the results. Just want some personal reviews of it.
  8. kenny8505

    I have you feeling you all will like this.

    Thanks dude, yeah that PRS had a great bite to it. It really made the tone.
  9. kenny8505

    I have you feeling you all will like this.

    I can't agree anymore haha. But at the time I wasn't to informed with reamping. Im starting to mess around with it now though. You'll probably be hearing real amps in my future mixes!
  10. kenny8505

    I have you feeling you all will like this.

    Thanks man, It's what they were going for I guess. His scream is like a monotone scream most of the time. He goes low occasionally though.
  11. kenny8505

    I have you feeling you all will like this.

    Haha cool dude! I'm glad you like it! Yeah I remember the guitarist mentioning them as one of his influences and such.
  12. kenny8505

    I have you feeling you all will like this.

    This is a mix of a band I recorded in the summer. The bands name is In Reference to a Sinking Ship. myspace: The guitars are a PRS Custom 24 through Pod Farm. Drums were triggered and replaced with Slate. Used NRG room samples as well and some reverb...
  13. kenny8505

    About to send off an EP

    Yeah I totally agree with the vocal levels. I just re-made my vocal chain piece by piece so it sounds much better now. I'll post an update soon on how it sounds. thanks man!
  14. kenny8505

    About to send off an EP

    Thanks man! :rock: Pod Farm; Cali Diamond Plate with Treadplate Cab.