Recent content by Kenzie.

  1. Kenzie.

    Favourite film...

    Anyone seen Paul? I watched it in Nelsonville and couldn't stop laughing, it was perfect. Definitely one of my favorites.
  2. Kenzie.

    Body mods (piercings, tattoos, etc)

    Tattoos can be sexy as hell, and works of art, when done properly, but...I've never been into many facial piercings. Everyone's always like "omg I want snakebites so I can look hardcore" and I think that shit's retarded. Yeah, sure, some people look good, really good, with lip rings, but that's...
  3. Kenzie.

    Hottest Men in Metal:

    Peter Steele.
  4. Kenzie.

    Anyone else always told to cut their hair?

    I'm in an LD relationship, and I can just picture it, the first time he meets my grandparents, the very first words out of my grandfather's mouth are going to be, "You need a buzzcut." |: ..And then, for Christmas or his birthday, just watch them buy him a coupon for said buzzcut. |:< They're...