Recent content by Keogh

  1. K

    The Glorious Burden is finished

    First, yes "I Died For You" is very generic. There's 2 riffs in the entire song, and both are boring as hell. The Hunter is a little better, but it gets boring as well. "A Question..." is pretty damn good though. The other songs on the album are very generic and sound like Jon wrote them in...
  2. K

    New IE Lyrics

    Normally I wouldn't care about this, but I'm very bored at work so here we wasn't too hard with a little background info on the Red Baron: -Red Baron/Blue Max- The son of a major, Prussian nobleman His name bestowed by a holy Roman The war broke out, and looked to the air 24...
  3. K

    The Glorious Burden is finished

    Haha, I can't believe the same person said both paragraphs. "I fucking HATE sitcoms, they are SO predictable and boring and generic, god they suck ass!!! Now, time to go watch "Friends"!" Hate to break it to you, but Dark Saga is about as generic of a metal album as they come.
  4. K

    RIPPER it is!!!

    Why all the fucking comparisons? God metal listeners are bitchy. "Guitarist A is better than Guitarist B" "Nuh uh, Guitarist A can solo too!" "Well Guitarist B can sweep pick, how about that?" "Singer A is much better than Singer B, listen to [insert song title]." "That song sucks...
  5. K

    The Glorious Burden is finished

    Haha, not quite. I think he kills Barlow though. Barlow had that "uh" problem, as in "He always-uh, put another syllable-uh, after each verse-uh." But I've always liked Halford, so it makes sense I'd prefer someone like Halford over someone like Barlow. As far as that "Red Baron =...
  6. K

    Why did they Shut down the Offical Forum?

    Why is that sad? Considering the quality of tabs that used to be there, seems like a good move to me.