Recent content by kill_your_enemies

  1. kill_your_enemies

    The Band Name Game

    American Head Charge
  2. kill_your_enemies

    3 word story

    that always demands
  3. kill_your_enemies


    Granted, but the colours are so bright that your eyes burn and dissolve in your head, leaving nothing but black holes where they once were. I wish that all chavs would fuck off and live on another planet far far away...
  4. kill_your_enemies

    One Word Game

  5. kill_your_enemies


    1349 - Slaves to Slaughter
  6. kill_your_enemies


    Granted, but your bag full of tricks has become a bag full of man eating chipmunks that slowly chew off your nose. I wish that my mouse (the computer one) was a real one that wore a cape and did backflips.
  7. kill_your_enemies

    3 word story

    that are submerged
  8. kill_your_enemies

    "Coldest" Black Metal Band?

    The atmosphere created by bands such as Darkthrone and Mayhem is amazing, it kind of takes you on a mental journey through the ice-ridden mountains of Norway...pretty surreal
  9. kill_your_enemies

    Disgusting foods you love?

    Cheese, jam, banana and sugar toasties :)
  10. kill_your_enemies

    Words In Songs' Names Game

    Viking Crown - Christianity has no chance
  11. kill_your_enemies

    Favorite movies

    Se7en Saw Die Hard Trainspotting Snatch LOTR
  12. kill_your_enemies


    Granted, but cereal boxes are now bottomless so that, theoretically, you will never find them. I wish that elephants were pink and made of chocolate.
  13. kill_your_enemies

    Now Playing

    Dark Funeral - Dark Desires
  14. kill_your_enemies

    One Word Game

  15. kill_your_enemies

    Currently Drinking Thread (Resurrected)

    Pepsi...far superior to Coke