Recent content by Killing Angels

  1. K

    Emperor Cover

    This too for me brought back SOOOOOOOOOOOO MANY MEMORIES!!!!!!!!!!! I can just hear the vocals in my head... absolutely killer cover... are you going to do the whole and add some kickass vox too??? Electronic/Triggered-style drums on it remind me of some Anaal Nathrakh releases for some...
  2. K

    Vacant Stare's original demo (produced by Andy Sneap)

    Hellz yeah, that's awesome, I thought it sounded like a 5150... didn't know it was a MkII though. I remember hearing them live once at the Highbury Garage and the tone sounded just like on the demo. I have the demo and have it ripped to mp3, if there's no copyright issues or anything I could...
  3. K

    Vacant Stare's original demo (produced by Andy Sneap)

    Yeah big time, my friend bought Vindication and the album sounded totally different to my ears, mostly cuz of drums. I remember hearing the album, and everything suddenly sounded heavy but "blunt"... it's like the demo was slick barbed wire and the album was like an anvil. They had a really...
  4. K

    Vacant Stare's original demo (produced by Andy Sneap)

    Hi guys, I would post this in the Sneap Produced Albums section except it's not about an album, it's about a Sneap produced demo from maybe about 2000! Have any of you Andy fans ever heard an underground(ish) UK nu-metal band called Vacant Stare? They had a three track demo before their...
  5. K

    Sequencing DFH2 in Cubase?

    Thanks a lot 006!! You've been a massive help, I totally get your explanation not to worry. Man. You guys are so incredibly helpful. I take it the long-windedness of doing something like this is why DFHS is superior, in the sense that you can just map drums in Superior and bounce down...
  6. K

    Sequencing DFH2 in Cubase?

    I too am new to DFH2... using this method, is it possible to bounce in such a way that you can get separate WAVs for each part of the kit (so that you can have a compressor setting for the snare, etc.)? Or rather, what's the most efficient way to map the drums so it's simple to apply...
  7. K

    Sequencing DFH2 in Cubase?

    I too am new to DFH2... using this method, is it possible to bounce in such a way that you can get separate WAVs for each part of the kit? Or rather,
  8. K

    Post your best mix first track on there from our last CD, The Severing, it's downloadable as well... quite a long song but I guess you could stream it in nasty quality and get the idea! Did this over a year ago now... it was our last demo/self-released ep type thing, all...
  9. K


    whoaaa.. I am/was actually thinking of saving for an octopre, didn't know some peeps found it to be that bad! I remember Andy saying once that focusrite preamps aren't best for everything a long time ago, although with that said, James Murphy did use the octopre on the DAATH tracks for drums and...
  10. K

    problem: excessively dull recording/source quality, any ideas?!

    Thanks for the feedback guys! Yeah I've tried both mixers, and none of the onboard EQ is engaged... both mixers also have this "pre" button which bypasses all EQing'n'sends, etc. I've tried both the pre switch in and out, still loss of high end... :confused: Hey brett, good idea about the...
  11. K

    problem: excessively dull recording/source quality, any ideas?!

    Hello, Serious problem, wonder if you guys could help me out! There's some serious HF roll off happening somewhere when I record, and I'm trying to work out why it's happening. I know that prior to mastering things are a bit duller, but this is EXCESSIVELY dull, like everything after 7-8hz...
  12. K

    Audix and Krank recording

    Whoa... the construction of the snare sounds insane... Some samples would be great!
  13. K

    Andy's top recording tips REVEALED!!

    LMAAAAAAAAAOOOO!!!!!! You and your picture skillz James!!! :tickled: :tickled: Man I wonder if you'd ever use those mics for vocals, near your mouth, after them being extensively used for getting bottom end and capturing that so-called brown sound!?
  14. K

    headphone monitoring for musicians while tracking

    Thanks for the advice. And OMG, I totally agree about Turnkey!!! Good prices but the service is SOOO bad. Had to wait nearly three weeks for an order from them to come in when they actually quote next day to two working days delivery. You going to the Nevermore show? Hopefully seeya there...
  15. K

    headphone monitoring for musicians while tracking

    Hi, *big breath, somewhat lengthy-worded inquiry*... I was just wondering how you guys went about setting up headphone monitoring for musicians while tracking. I'm recording some friends soon and they have tons of tempo changes, solo instrument moments, etc. and want to work without a click...