Recent content by KimJongPir2

  1. K

    Need a mixing engineer?

    Wrong forum dude, this berlong here:
  2. K

    need some help to achieve a similar guitar tone

    Okay, my bad, maybe I wasn't clear enough because I mainly didn't explain anything, I don't do that to all frenquencies, but only in the low end and high end, it's more for overhaul EQ shapping rather that getting rid of notes that pop out too much (I used to do that mostly on amp sim, not...
  3. K

    need some help to achieve a similar guitar tone

    Explain what's wrong please.
  4. K

    need some help to achieve a similar guitar tone

    I would do that too, except I would cut about 4 or 5db arround 220hz, where there is a lot of muddyness. And you can also boost arround 3400hz where the pick attack is. You can also cut after the amp, but you will have to boost another frequencies to balance the tone, so it doesn't sound too...
  5. K

    DOOM (2016) OST is BADASS!

    I like the new doom's OST too, but sometimes I feel like there is too much compression (and really noticeable)... but weirdly enough, it doesn't sound that compressed on that video.
  6. K

    Killswitch Engage - The End of a Heartache DI (Yep , you read that right!)

    Guitars reamped through a OD808 + Hughes & Kettner Trilogy + 2x12 Zilla Fat Boy cab loaded with V30 and K100 (with a single SM57 on the V30) Bass reamped through a MXR bass compressor and Darkglass B7K. I never recorded a real amp before (well... except that amplug on my channel), be gentle :C
  7. K

    Ampsim Group on Soundcloud

    Hey, So this time I've got two demos! Overloud TH3 vs Amplitube 4 First one : TS + 5150 + mesa 4x12 Sounds pretty different right? However the EQ with the cab bypassed are very close to each other: So for a fair...
  8. K

    Ampsim Group on Soundcloud

    and because we're at it... BiasFX vs Bias Desktop because WHY NOT? This time I used another cab sim because the point wasn't to compare BiasFX with another amp sim but with Bias Desktop and I have to admit that the 4*12 Green 25s sounds a little less like crap than the other cab sim (so...
  9. K

    Ampsim Group on Soundcloud

    I also have revalver 4, so why stop here? same settings as before, with its own ENGL 4*12 cab the EQ capture: Pink = Amplitube 4 White = Revalver 4 The curves are so close together that I'm pretty sure Revalver 4...
  10. K

    Ampsim Group on Soundcloud

    Quick comparison between Amplitube4 and Bias FX: everything is set on noon (except the bass knob) I set the gain on BiasFX a little bit higher, otherwise it would have sound a little bit too dry... It will give you a rough idea how both of them sound 100% stock (with their respective cab sim)...
  11. K

    Ampsim Group on Soundcloud

    The presets that come stock with amplitube aren't that great, they all sound muddy or the gain is too high... well there is always a problem, so I ended up making my own presets. And what makes the presets sounds fuller is the room reverb, choose the studio room (the one with the acoustic...
  12. K

    Ampsim Group on Soundcloud

    oh you meant 2 left and 2 right? Sorry I misunderstood , I thought you were talking about different settings on the left than the right... hmm I get it, well, I already tried to mix two different amps for the same track but I didn't quite like the result so I never posted any tracks on my...
  13. K

    Ampsim Group on Soundcloud

    I uploaded the song again without High and Low pass, so the high end should sparkle a little bit more. no post EQ but I used the tube compressor from amplitube. Yes I agree with you, having different settings on each track should sound wider.
  14. K

    Ampsim Group on Soundcloud

    I had the TSE808 in front of bias :C ! For Revalver hmm ... I don't remember that, I think the cab impulses are just bad, that's why it sounds so thin. But I liked the dynamics, it was clean, not too muddy, the only big problem was the background noise, without a noise gate other amp simulator...
  15. K

    Ampsim Group on Soundcloud

    I tried Bias and I think it sounds like garbage, I spend a week trying to make it sounds good without success and now I know why so many youtuber uses the tone match function... I would even place Bias behind Peavey Revalver 4, the only problem with Revalver is probably the noise and the...