Recent content by King Chaos

  1. King Chaos

    Two separate COYOTE Preorders are now up

    Got mine ordered just in time (there was a date all orders had to be in for). Any idea when the overseas preorders will be arriving?
  2. King Chaos

    Two separate COYOTE Preorders are now up

    This has made my day go from being any other day... to being a good day... and tomorrow is pay day.
  3. King Chaos

    February 6th people Found this too. Little review and an interview. Very nice.
  4. King Chaos

    We Are the Void: Reviews

    ^ I feel the same, except I don't like Stanne's Vocals much on this one. I've been into this music for so long, the whole listening just feels like I'm straining to enjoy something that is really, an ok effort, but just not spectacular.
  5. King Chaos

    We Are The Void

    After the first few listens, I didn't even wake up untill Iridium. I also subsequently enjoyed star of nothingness (A bonus track which to me seems like the logical opener for the album? Very very nice little tune). Iridium is an immense track. Very original and ripe with romance and drama...
  6. King Chaos

    We Are The Void

    Excellent video. Reminded me of Philippe Ramette's work... go google it. Seriously cool performative/sculpture/photographer who messes with perspectives. And yeah, kudos to Mikael. Bet he has a neck like a bull after keeping his head up in a harness like that. I'd cry too.
  7. King Chaos

    February 6th people

    I'm happy hearing about this. @Simon: Shame the journey was such a burn out mate. Choirs is just life affirming and totally worth travelling for, I looked into the logistics of getting to NY from the UK, but I know from other shows that coupled with the excitement and anxiety, the travelling can...
  8. King Chaos


    My son who was born at the end of may last year has just recently learnt to lift one hand up from a crawling position, steadying himself on his remaining three limbs.
  9. King Chaos

    LAETHORA Completes Recording Second Album -

    Ha! This suprises me some what. I got the t-shirt bundle deal. Look how sexy I look in it: Niiiiiccceeee. Anyway, first album has stood the test of time really well so far... in so far as I still dip into it and each time I say "fuck, don't remember it being this ace". Industrially...
  10. King Chaos

    Which cd did you just buy?

    Bloody Panda - Summon : Fair excellent doom from east asia. Sunn0)))-esque guitars with a creepy organ over the top and gloriously wailed female vocals. For fans of Thorr's Hammer and japanese horror movies. Tenhi - Kauan and Vare : This band is just so good. They do for Finland what Sigur...
  11. King Chaos


    Poster from the Leeds show. Was just reading every thread ever on this forum and found one where people said they like posters... and I liked this poster. Looked better when printed because it softened the editing and made the goat hill look more like a goat hill and less like an obviously...
  12. King Chaos

    I hope some of you will be in NYC in February

    Me too actually. I get really anxious around large buildings and structures. They make me feel like I'm going to fall off the ground - loss of balance, shortness of breath, constantly aware of the need to swallow but choke when I try. Luckily I'm from Leeds in the UK... and the big buildings...
  13. King Chaos

    I hope some of you will be in NYC in February

    This would be well worth planning a trip to New York for. If I could do it on the cheap from the UK, I would.
  14. King Chaos

    TARTAR LAMB - "Sixty Metonymies" is now available!!!

    Had a fair few listens to this and it is great. Easier to celebrate when you get emersed in the concept, but without that, the vintage tone of the guitar with the eerie sustain and violins natural sound have a great interplay. Strangely, hearing this piece live first and then on CD later, all...
  15. King Chaos

    Manchester. Saki Bar

    You could have heard a mouse fart at the leeds show! The mood was just right. In fact, we were all whispering for about 10 minutes after the gig. When punters gathered around the merch table post-performance, they all sounded like they had just woken up. *Morning voice* - 'can I haz one them...