Recent content by KingChaos

  1. KingChaos

    ProgPower 2011 - The good and bad

    The bad: - The accident - Lots of bands who didn't really give me the feeling the audience where involved. - Redemptions singer was absent (or at least the notes in tune where). - Indeed, the coffee. Although we kinda solved that problem by going to the local cafe's. - Looking back and see...
  2. KingChaos

    The Dutch Prog Exodus 2011 (Cello's travel plan)!

    For your viewing pleasure! You can print that one out on A4 and take it with you! You will look not only medieval and intelligent, but you will also find the way (without Facebook). Cheers!
  3. KingChaos

    I'm listening to...

    Les Miserables - Stars (a)
  4. KingChaos

    The Dutch Prog Exodus (Cello's travel plan!)

    Coming to Starbucks is fine, but we will be at platform 5, on the B side of the platform near the Kiosk stand at apx. 10.55 anyway ;) We'll make sure we're on the platform on time :) I'm not really someone who can be in one place the whole time, but you will find us! Just try the Starbucks and...
  5. KingChaos

    Who's coming and where are you staying? 2010

    It was! I predicted he would score some old lady once... But even I would never have thought she would also be a German! But, Justin, fear not! We will tell everyone what you did last year (and years before ;)) and I promise you, you won't be left in the snackbar nor will you be with a German...
  6. KingChaos

    COUNTDOWN 2010

    Sorry for not counting along until this last day, but the youtube link will compensate ;)
  7. KingChaos

    The Dutch Prog Exodus (Cello's travel plan!)

    That should be all right. How do I know we've got everyone (at Amsterdam Central)? Up until now I only know it's Glimmycity, some British people? Marc and me. Someone please enlighten me! Wouldn't wanna run off leaving people behind, now would we? Oh and Glimmycity, marvellous. means Marc and I...
  8. KingChaos

    The Dutch Prog Exodus (Cello's travel plan!)

    Sounds like a pretty solid plan to me. Al tough we do be dependant of air planes and trains flying and riding on schedule indeed. Anyway, for the people who don't know. Kees will be me (the Adam guy) and Roadstar (who's message is up here) will be Justin (together with Thijs the Utrecht guys).
  9. KingChaos

    Who's coming and where are you staying? 2010

    Hehe! Thanks for the support (Jill too!) Justin and I will re-record it (we taped it in 2007 or something) and then post it! Everyone should record the chorus and send it to me then ;) We'll be a battle choir! I'm really lookin forward to go crazy with everyone again :D Everyone should bring...
  10. KingChaos

    Who's coming and where are you staying? 2010

    NAME: Kees Broersen FROM: Grootebroek, The Netherlands STAYING AT: The Electric Castle (it's not That electric, but we'll make it so!) Which days will you be there: Friday, Saturday, Sunday THIS WILL BE MY: 3th Progpower Europe Festival INTERESTING FACT ABOUT YOURSELF: Together with Justin...
  11. KingChaos

    I'm listening to...

    Comatose - Ayreon
  12. KingChaos

    Essence of Progression tour - anybody coming?

    I might hop along :) I'm definitely in need of some Metal!! These are busy days so... But if I come, you'll find me with Cello ;)
  13. KingChaos

    ProgPower after show, Sunday 15 november!

    Sounds like a plan! It's a long, long way to travel for me though (kind of harsh for me to say cause at least I live in the Netherlands... but you get my point) gotta work on monday, though I might just take this as an excuse to take an extra day of!
  14. KingChaos

    PP2010 Wish List

    How about Van Canto? :P