Recent content by kingofbassists

  1. kingofbassists

    Help Vehemence get on OZZFEST 2005!!

    remember guys you have to put money too its not just up to us what is it at 10grand?
  2. kingofbassists

    could someone tell me who this is, im dying to know
  3. kingofbassists

    can someone help a bassist out?

    I inquired about studio work about a place down here in tempe. The guy wants some demos of my playing. What should I put on it? I have an idea of some but I dont want to fuck it up, it could mold my music career farther than I ever was. any help would be appreciated
  4. kingofbassists

    bass shredding

    my suggestion would be to pick up a bass grimoire, and work on your finger speed through arpeggios and all of the crazy scales in the grimoire book. In addition, I would suggest going into jazz a bit. All of the greats have a background in jazz. Fusion is something that could be very...