Recent content by kissing_the_shadows37

  1. K

    Fav bodom album poll!!

    how can a bad "peak" after their first album? pretty sure they peaked after FTR, HCDR was about half bodom half new-bodom, but hopefully Blooddrunk will bring atleast some of the old bodom back =p Anybody know why Alexi stopped using the voice echo thing on albums though? always wondered why...
  2. K

    Fav bodom album poll!!

    yeah, i fucked up my first post, so? eh oh well, oh and i dont see how i double posted...since i didnt. Oh and whoever said im all giddy about bodom like ive been listening to them for 3 days, ive listened to bodom since their first album so yeah, just never went on the fourms =p
  3. K

    Fav bodom album poll!!

    AAH SHIT, tried to go back to change the number of polls from 4 to 5 and it posted the damn thing...../sigh oh well, i'll do it manually i guess 1. Something Wild 2. Hatebreeder 3. Follow the Reaper 4. Hatecrew Deathroll 5. Are you dead yet. pick a number ;) i choose 3. follow the...
  4. K

    Fav bodom album poll!!

    Well, i just signed up and this is my first post. Anyways just wanted to see everybody's opinion on there favorite album from CoB. Also, does anybody know if they ever found out what happened to Alexi's Sig "Wildchild" jackson? I know it was stolen but did anybody ever find it or sell it or...