Recent content by kittie_bread

  1. kittie_bread

    The new chat thread - now with bitter arguing

    @DoC: You're probably away already, but have a good spring break :) Lucky for some *grumble grumble* :p
  2. kittie_bread

    The new chat thread - now with bitter arguing

    I don't know...I might quit stalking someone if they started wearing a garlic necklace Not that I stalk anyone :p
  3. kittie_bread

    Concerts - 2008

    Lucky you! :)
  4. kittie_bread

    Concerts - 2008

    @suwat666: I'm seeing ATG at Wacken, and possibly (money permitting) Hellfest. It makes me happy, in my pants. Are those big venues? It would be amazing to see them in a fairly small venue :)
  5. kittie_bread

    The Person Above Me II

    ^ Would eat an oreo straight off a rabbit's head...
  6. kittie_bread

    The new chat thread - now with bitter arguing

    For all those who may have been concerned (:p) my appetite is back, and I just demolished an entire packet of cookies
  7. kittie_bread

    Blood Meridian Resolution is the better song, although these guys are 325466542542 times better live. They've employed a new singer since I last saw them though.
  8. kittie_bread

    all new "NP" thread -

    Naglfar - The perpetual Horror into... Bjork - Declare Independence Someone made me an awesome cd :)
  9. kittie_bread

    Is FICTION The Best???

    Off the top of my head I struggle to think of a better metal album in 2007. I still can't get enough of Fiction and I'm too lazy to sit down and sift through everything I heard in '07. As for best album, I don't know if it tops Character and I still have a really soft spot for The Gallery.
  10. kittie_bread

    The new chat thread - now with bitter arguing

    :lol: Jeez man I was sick yesterday and now I'm fine but I've totally lost my appetite, it's so strange, I normally have the appetite of 10 men.
  11. kittie_bread

    The new chat thread - now with bitter arguing

    So I complained about our uninteresting weather. The weather remains uninteresting but the Lord smote us with an earthquake for my whining.
  12. kittie_bread

    Concerts - 2008

    I just got my Portishead ticket in the post. I'm really excited, but I've never done an arena gig by myself. Oh well.
  13. kittie_bread

    The new chat thread - now with bitter arguing

    Gah! You people and your interesting weather. It's just raining here, as usual. @DoC Have you fallen on your bum yet? :p
  14. kittie_bread

    NOW PLAYING thread

    Nightrage - At the Ends of the Earth
  15. kittie_bread

    The Person Above Me II

    ^ Has an avatar that makes me smile