Recent content by Koehandel

  1. K

    Hello everyone

    Lets begin to say I am not a metal head. I don't know every obscure Japanese metal release. I just like some metal. Just as I like Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds and Heather Nova. Metal band I do like are Slayer, Machine Head, Gorefest, My Dying Bride, Fear Factory, Evoken, Stalaggh, Dark...
  2. K

    Doom Metal

    I agree with you. I don't want to start a flame war or anything. But I find Reverend Bizarre boring. But do know I only seem play live once. But that concert sucked to hard so I never listened to their CD's And lets stop calling any type of doom metal gay, there is only 1 gay metal band and...
  3. K


    I knew it I would get flamed for this thread. But please stop the name calling, it is so silly. I never claimed I made the sample myself.
  4. K


  5. K

    shit you wish bands would stop doing

    oops made a mistake
  6. K

    shit you wish bands would stop doing

    /agree Don't use MP3 use FLAC
  7. K


    More and more CD are recorded really loud. This is done because some artists/labels/producers etc wanted to make sure theit product was louder then the competition. But as a result lots of dynamics are lost on the CD, the whole CD sounds like it is screaming at you the whole time. It makes...
  8. K


    Offcourse it makes a different. When the whole CD is at the same loudness you lose all dynamics. The way they mkae CD's louder is they take all the loud parts aka a drummer hitting a bassdrum. They tune down the volume so that it is a loud as the average of the CD. They do this to all the peaks...
  9. K


    More and more CD are recorded really loud. This is done because some artists/labels/producers etc wanted to make sure theit product was louder then the competition. But as a result lots of dynamics are lost on the CD, the whole CD sounds like it is screaming at you the whole time. It makes...