Recent content by kogasu

  1. kogasu

    First tattoo, like a boss! - This is for YOU Steve & Band!

    That is epicly awesome, dude!!
  2. kogasu

    Didn't see this coming......

    Wow, this is crazy! I really didn't see this coming at all. I wonder what the other members will end up doing....
  3. kogasu

    Congratulations Paul.

    WOW!! Congratulations to both of you!!! :D
  4. kogasu


    ^ YES!! SO AWESOME!!!:rock: Freternia - Guardians of The Night
  5. kogasu

    Do you have any unopened CDs?

    I don't keep anything sealed. LOL I find too much enjoyment in just opening something new! :D
  6. kogasu


    Dream Theater - Lie It just randomly got stuck in my head today hehe.
  7. kogasu

    Happy Bday Nickstervarius

    Oh hell, I'm horribly late, sorry.... well... Happy belated birthday anyways!!!! :D HAH, quite an interesting cup there LOL.
  8. kogasu

    New Sorcerer's Spell track online

    Oh YES! It's so awesome! Great job on this! I'm loving that organ... and the guitar.....and the everything LOL! Nicely done sir, nicely done!
  9. kogasu

    As the festive season approaches......

    Oh yes, I can agree that it has gotten completely amazing. I love how video games have progressed so far and knowing that they will just keep getting better and better. Though, I don't think I'll EVER get over the nostalgia of the older systems. Especially, the ones around the SNES era to the...
  10. kogasu

    Latest CD you bought...

    Recently, I bought "Holy Grail - Crisis in Utopia." I felt bad buying "White Wizzard - Over the Top" and then hearing the whole situation between them and the Holy Grail members who used to be in WW. So I listened to some Holy Grail and they're actually quite kick ass LOL. The album did kind...
  11. kogasu

    As the festive season approaches......

    I'm doing what I usually do, go to houses, eat food and overall, spend time with family etc. It's always nice to see some family that don't live close by. As for New Years.... I don't really do anything... except say "Happy New Years" at midnight.... FUN! Funny thing, on the topic of...
  12. kogasu

    Lorenguard - symphonic/fantasy power metal from the USA, check them out!

    It's about freakin' time I hear some power metal like this from here. This is awesome!! I must buy this album now!
  13. kogasu

    Now this is awesome.......

    HA! That was funny and I loved his very METAL descriptions.
  14. kogasu

    End of the CD by 2013??

    Nooo! This can't happen! I NEED CDs! I'm still building up my sad collection LOL! I DO listen to my mp3 player a lot more than a CD player but that's because it's much easier to carry those than a CD player and a bunch of CDs, plus I would horribly FREAK OUT if any of my CDs get scratched, and...
  15. kogasu

    Happy Bday Steve

    Yes, have an AWESOME BIRTHDAY Steve!!