Recent content by KorgX3

  1. KorgX3

    New album info?? (Where's Doug hidin'??...)

    Screw new albums. I'm retro. I want an old album. What's up with the lack of old albums?
  2. KorgX3

    Dumb Question from the Dumb New Guy

    Kyle, you kissass. ;)
  3. KorgX3

    Sinking Sand Single w/ SB

    I've had this track for awhile now, and I really dig the shit out of it. (Ew!) One thing that really bugged me is that I was talking to an old school Enchant fan who was complaining that Sean's drums did nothing for the song. (???) Man, I think he does a TANFASTIC jeorb filling in for Paul...
  4. KorgX3

    Besides Enchant, what are some of your favorite bands/artists?

    Damn. What all do I listen to? Devin Townsend's up there among my faves. Everything the dude touches is pure gold to my ears. Hmmm... It's hard to say so I'll just throw out some random ones: Marillion Rush Pink Floyd Symphony X Disturbed Dream Theater Spock's Beard Fates Warning...
  5. KorgX3

    *Is new to the band*...

    Yup, and if you're looking for an album to start with... Classic prog = Blueprint of the World Modern Progrock = Blink of an Eye (or Juggling 9) Something tells me that Tug of War is going to be the definitive neo-Enchant album, though. :D I'm greatly looking forward to this one.
  6. KorgX3

    First set of lyrics from the new Queensryche album.

    I just got the new QR today and gave it my first perusal not too long ago. I got through the first two songs and just had to start skimming it. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't keeping my attention, either. I just got tired of it, and quit listening. Scott's drumming sounds like the only thing...
  7. KorgX3

    How did you become an Enchant fan?

    DING DING DING! Same here. :D Crazy freakin' Mosh. Wonder what he's up to? I hit #ytsejam now and again and he's still lurking there like he always did, but never responds. hehehe.
  8. KorgX3

    Now Playing

    Type O Negative - Bloody Kisses
  9. KorgX3

    Pacific Northwest Enchant Fans!

    hehehe. Not in the south. This place was a high desert before people started farming it. :) There's still TONS of remnants of desert landscape everywhere even though this desert is carved through the middle of the Sawtooths and follows the Snake River. But it's pretty bleak and sad looking area...
  10. KorgX3

    Review of Blink of An Eye....

    CAROL?!?!?!? What's up, hon'? Long time, no type! :D
  11. KorgX3

    Pacific Northwest Enchant Fans!

    Hey, I'm still technically considered part of the Pacific Northwest even though my state doesn't touch the ocean and is a barren wasteland. :D Still, Vancouver, Portland, Seattle... all too far away for me. :( I live in BFE. Smack dab between Boise and Salt Lake City. God help me, I just...
  12. KorgX3

    Ted Interview for a Brazilian Site

    So that's why his voice sounds so good! ;):err: NP: Dream Theater - Falling Into Infinity
  13. KorgX3

    Now Playing

    NP: Devin Townsend Band - Accelerated Evolution
  14. KorgX3

    "Juggling 9 or Dropping 10" is excellent "sunny day" music!

    You're not the only one who's found this out. :D I've jammed J9oD10 many times last summer on those daily cruises. :D
  15. KorgX3

    Now Playing

    NP: Yanni - Ethnicity :rock: What?