Recent content by Korona

  1. Korona


    Textual analysis is a type of rational activity, which means it's objective and universal. Religious faith is a subjective, inward, personal leap. There's no way it can be universal because it's linked so intimately with the subjective life of the religious individual. Textual analysis will...
  2. Korona


    @ Kara - the redemption of all humanity through an act of total self-sacrifice isn't 'interesting' to you? eish tough crowd... @ OP relegating religious characters to the status of "entity" is a wrong turn right out of the gate. Religion isn't about things we can relate to objectively...
  3. Korona

    Buddhism - force for good, mental conditioning, or both?

    Aughhh he starts off so well! I totally agree with the whole interview untill he posits a "substratum of consciousness". He is totally right to reject the physicalism of neuroscience for the reasons he has given. It is a rejection of the second half of a dualism we can trace back to Descartes...
  4. Korona

    Buddhism - force for good, mental conditioning, or both?

    I didnt mean for you to feel obliged to give detailed analysis - just an overall impression of passages 20 through to 45... 45 is the conclusion of the whole segment - if you don't read it though you won't really get the point of why it's there. It gives a form of justification for why he...
  5. Korona

    Buddhism - force for good, mental conditioning, or both?

    Nietzsche's portrayal of Christ IS idiosyncratic, there is no doubting that, and I think mostly Arthyron is just pointing out examples of this idiosyncracy. Nietzche says this "psycology of the saviour" shines out of the Gospels IN SPITE of the Gospels (he certainly doesn't hold them to be...
  6. Korona

    The "Satanism" Thread

    You'd do better to read it yourself - The genealogy of morals is a good place to start, although the Antichrist is probably my favourite book. Most of them are availble online, and the best translator I have found is "H.L. Mencken"... As for his specific critisim of hedonism - he thinks it is...
  7. Korona

    The "Satanism" Thread

    yea I love how Satanism gives so many tacit nods to Nietzsche given his attitude towards any form of Hedonism was one of such complete contempt.
  8. Korona

    Buddhism - force for good, mental conditioning, or both?

    Regarding the worry about moral relativism without God, I would advance the arguement in the Platonic dialogue, the Euthyphro, and suggest that God doesn't help us out of the relativism. Euthyphro - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia read epart 3 of the arguement- Basically, an action can't be...
  9. Korona

    The "Satanism" Thread

    Nine Satanic Sins 2. Pretentiousness hahahahahahahhahahahahahaa The Eleven Satanic Rules of the Earth" are overtly pretentious. Does that mean the Satanists have sinned? How is an atheist meant to "sin" given this requires the notion of divine punishment...? 5. Do not make sexual advances...
  10. Korona

    Buddhism - force for good, mental conditioning, or both?

    - what seditious said :) I think any man with a shred of dignity will stop something if it hurts his wife (and isn't for her own good like stopping her taking crack or something) The difference between something bad and a Sin is that a bad thing is just that, whereas a Sin is something that...
  11. Korona

    The "Satanism" Thread

    So is Sataism not Hedonism? if not why not? If it is, how do you feel about being a part of a decadent religion?
  12. Korona

    Buddhism - force for good, mental conditioning, or both?

    AFAIK Bhuddism has no concept of either sin or guilt. It simply says "I suffer - how can I overcome this?" I was refering to other religions which you said were just as benevolent and beneficial... As for sin, I think you need to be taught this concept. I don't really think religions leave it...
  13. Korona

    Opinions on

    What you give an example of isn't "knowledge". Using the example - the instinctual fear of a snake could be well based on people "experiencing" death by snake, and thus those who were wary around these animals survived. However to evolve that response you don't need knowledge of why the snake...
  14. Korona

    Opinions on

    You can't have "innate experience" what kind of madness is that? You can have knowlege which is innate only by virtue of the fact that it DOESN'T derive from experience. That is the very core of the distinction between innate and empirical knowledge... Also the evidence offered is even more...
  15. Korona

    Opinions on

    The key word is entirely, if your knowledge of good and evil is entirely derived through experience then how can it be also innate? :p To Reign in Hell If its intended to be serious then it's drivel - if it's meant satirically then its bloody genious.