Recent content by Kronx

  1. K

    St Anger is horrible, i'm listening to it now

    The snare is just so horrible. I can not begin to describe it. The guitars sound sloppy and still too grungy. I miss the older, more precise sound of Justice or even the Black album. I think I like the DVD better than the album. They seem to be a little ... hungrier ... as they play. The...
  2. K

    Who has viewed Matrix Reloaded thus far??

    The beginning is a little slow. And several scenes throughout the movie just go on waaaaay too long. But the rest of it is awesome. Once it gets going, it only rarely gives you a chance to catch your breath. I found it doesn't really desrve some of the harsh criticism it has received. I think...
  3. K

    Any Place But Here

    Honestly, I've always hated the new stuff and, for some reason, I didn't buy WCFYA until yesterday. And this is easily the best John Bush album. This album seems a lot less cookie-cutter than the last two and takes more chances. I didn't like Any Place But Here at first, but it grew on me at...
  4. K

    DIsturbed and System

    SOAD is a good band, though I do wish they would take a chance on a song longer than 3 minutes every now and then. The new album is good, sounds a lot more along the lines of the first album. I just wish they had stuck with the original version of Thetawaves. It stuck in my head a lot more...
  5. K

    Anthrax's Phantom Lord on Metallica tribute CD

    Disc 2 on Garage Inc. was great. I had most of my CD collection stolen, including my Garage Days Re-revisited CD, so I was glad to get those back along with The Prince and Breadfan on CD. Of course, I stop listening when it gets to the Motorhead covers. Those recordings just don't gel with me...
  6. K

    O/T Spiderman DVD

    Widescreen all the way. I hate pan and scan. It just gets on my nerves. The bigger the TV the less you care about the black bars at the top and bottom of the screen. What I can't stand are DVD releases that have pan and scan only. Ugh.
  7. K

    Battle of the Hot Naked Celebrities - THE FINAL!

    Bah, both have horrible make-up sense. I'll stick with freeze framing the end of Resident Evil on the DVD. But perhaps I've said too much.
  8. K

    Anyone actually like their newer stuff?

    "SOWN, Stomp, and Vol. 8 are three of the best metal albums ever!!!" Wow, no offense, but in other countries they cut off your hand for saying stuff like that. I still say the last three albums were full of songs with good PARTS, but no real "great" songs. Is it still better than 83.4...
  9. K

    O/t Why did Max leave Sepultura?

    Bah, Roots wasn't THAT great.
  10. K

    Anyone actually like their newer stuff?

    Well, I've "Rassled" with the new stuff over and over in my head. I've been a fan since Among the Living, so I have the benefit of prolonged exposure to Anthrax. Wait a minute. That doesn't sound right. There's no denying the thrash mastery of Among and the following releases. I don't...
  11. K

    O/T Pantera

    It's been a while and I can't seem to remember much about the album. That's the problem. I vaguely remember liking a few songs, but none of them really seemed to stick around. The album was a good idea and a step in the right direction, but it kinda had the feel of one really long song.
  12. K

    O/T News Babes

    I used to stay up really late, and for some reason Ju-Ju Chang seemed pretty hot.
  13. K

    Anthrax Sucks Big Time In Promoting Themselves!!!!!!!!!

    Well, after setting my crystal ball on a ouija board and sprinkling it with tea leaves, I have come to the conclusion that it's all about money. Seems to me like record companies bail out to fast on bands. If the sales aren't there, there's no money to promote. Of course, if money was spent...
  14. K

    it was good while it lasted

    I have digital cable and one of their digital music channels is Metal. Plays all the good stuff commercial free ad unedited. :) Who needs MTV?
  15. K

    Favorite Instrumental Chorus

    If you're talking about a "chorus" with no lyrics, I have to like CKY's 96 Bitter Beings (Or whatever it's called). That's just an awesome bit.