Recent content by kylegypo

  1. K

    Rate my instrumental mix

    Did this about a year ago and not mixed anything since. Any criticism and help is welcome.
  2. K

    Rate my music.

    Hey, basically I was listening to some of my old music that i'd forgotten about and realised it had never really been heard by many people. So please tell me what you think. The mix isn't amazing and the vocals are far from finished but I remember spending a lot of time on this. Don't be a cock...
  3. K

    rate/mix my mix.

    hello, this is my first post at My band "A Gathering of Ghosts" are currently recording a few tracks for a demo and myspace. This is my "mix". The guitars are just the guides using guitar rig and/or amplitube and the drums are SD2.0 . Wondering if anyone would give it a mix...