Recent content by Kyrt

  1. Kyrt

    New Seventh Wonder Official Website

    Hey People! Thanks for your comments :) I have done a couple of updates which fixed some of the issues. The discography tab is a good idea, but it is pretty tricky to fit in there now.. I'll see what i can do. I also want to say a huuuuuuge THANK YOU to Rob Castañeda...
  2. Kyrt

    In the spotlight (part 2): Andreas Söderin

    Piano solo.. so that is what you want?! Well lets see what happens on the new album... :kickass:
  3. Kyrt

    SW headlining ProgPower Europe on friday the 30th

    Haha NOOOOOOO! I got my ass completely owned!!:worship: I demand a re-mach in a more sober state of mind! :loco:
  4. Kyrt

    Seventh Wonder - Song Covers

    Whoooooo this is awesome! Great job guys!! Now, where are the keyboardcovers?? :D
  5. Kyrt

    Keyboard Sheet Music?

    I have no plans on doing that at this time, but you never know.. :loco:
  6. Kyrt

    Website redesign

    Things doesn't always go as planned..:erk: There was so much work with the album and the releaseparty, so the release of the new website has been delayed.. There will be a new website up, but probably not until the beginning of next year. Meanwhile, all news and updates will be posted here...
  7. Kyrt

    Keyboard Sheet Music?

    Hi, I'm sorry guys, but I don't have notesheets to any of the SW songs. About Pieces, that song ended up like a last minute thing, the last night in the studio during the witw sessions. We wanted to have an extra song for a possible japanrelease and Tommy had some chords he showed me. I...
  8. Kyrt


    No need to be worried Kazar :-) Some of the guys in the band (including me :D ) have started their vacations now and currently im in the upper north of sweden, enjoying low temperature and heavy rain :bah: Next week, im meting up Johan in Denmark to see Toto. After that, its time to finish up...
  9. Kyrt


    Hi folks, I wrote an answer here a couple of days ago, regarding the instrumental stuff.. then there were some problem with the forum and that post seems to be gone now?! Anyway, there will be alot of instrumental parts on this album, but not a complete instrumental track this time. Although...
  10. Kyrt


    Hey folks, just a quick update from keyboardland.. I have had some technical problems and things have taken much more time than i expected, but i'm almost there now. :kickass: There are two solos to be recorded and some small fixes left. Then i'll bring it all to the mixerguy and its ALOT of...
  11. Kyrt


    The solosound is a mix of three of the standardleads from the Roland fantom. On some parts of mercy falls i also use the sound "super saw lead" from the fantom. Right now i'm experimenting with a new leadsound, but not sure yet if it will end up on the album..
  12. Kyrt


    Hey! Since all the other guys in the band have written here then surely it is time for a greeting from keyboardland. I have been in my homestudio for about two weeks now and all the basic keys are done! But no rest for me, now I continue with all small fixes, solos, leads, piano...
  13. Kyrt

    Musical themes on MF?

    Hi, the part 2:24 - 2:33 is actually still HaS, just with a little additional keyboards over the mainriff. 2:34 - 2:50 is from Destiny calls (the part where tommy sings: I won't apologize...) Then in the outro, You can hear another small part from the beginning of DC, it's a part of the...
  14. Kyrt

    Release Party in Stockholm September 11th

    Cold beer?! I'm there, dude! :rock: