Recent content by L & P

  1. L


    that's right! passed the hat up to him onstage later, IIRC.
  2. L


    Hanging out in the parking lot after an SF show with Jim & Warrel. They spent like hours bullshitting with us...Metalocalypse, tour stories, but also just genuinely interested in what their weird internet fans were up to. Couldn't have been kinder or more genuine. Also the Studio Seven show...
  3. L

    It's good to see so many old faces

    Hey folx, it's Pyrus/Lies & Perfidy/Reuben (locked out of my old account cause I can't remember what email address it used, naturally). Obviously there's been a ton of stuff posted on Facebook in the last few days and it's kinda startling to realize how many people I met on this fucking message...