Recent content by L. Ron Hubardo

  1. L

    Ron Varod appreciation thread.

    He's not going to sleep with you, you know. But in all seriousness I'm a bit disappointed the reviews haven't been drawing any attention to the guitar lines, they really add something texturally that the last two full lengths have lacked (no offence Toby). I hope he sticks with KD longer than...
  2. L


    The Wait of the World sounds like fretless bass but I suppose it must be flatwound strings or something... right? Unless you've played fretless bass with a pick a la Cheer-Accident/Combat Astronomy for Coyote and things
  3. L

    Please do me a favor and post any reviews you find of "Hubardo" here.

    I like this review mostly because it doesn't spend at least the first paragraph bumming Choirs of the Eye. I love that album but it's not the be-all and end-all, y'know?
  4. L

    holy crap, could you use Dianetics to unbrainwash yourself from Dianetics??

    I thought I was being original and hilarious when I signed up a few days ago. I just haven't said much of anything... (yet?) Sorry for pre-emptively stealing your joke, chap.
  5. L

    Gonna maybe try to revive this forum.

    Hello. The new album is amazing.