Recent content by LeBim

  1. LeBim


    Feature 2 ex-member of Necrophagist...... So.....i got their new album Cosmogenesis...... and damn! thoses guys rock!! amazing album.... very technic.... a must for this year!!
  2. LeBim

    Releases 2009!

    Just got the new Absu.......One Work come in mind : Unbelevable!
  3. LeBim

    Amon Amarth Tour!

    See you at Montreal Gig guys!!
  4. LeBim

    What are you listening to?

    Amorphis - Perkele (The God Of Fire)
  5. LeBim

    What are you listening to?

    From The Shades Of Hatred - Limbonic Art !!
  6. LeBim

    What are you listening to?

    Varg - Skål!!!!!!!!!!
  7. LeBim

    Kalmah Canadian Tour...

    Yup crowd was sick ..... They bought all the shirt and Cd before the show start! I was like....WTF! I want a t-shirt!!
  8. LeBim

    Kalmah Canadian Tour...

    Yeahhhh Montreal gigs was a blast for sure!! Now I can die!! One of the best band I've ever see live!
  9. LeBim

    Kalmah Canadian Tour...

    Cant wait to Monday damn!!!!!!!
  10. LeBim

    NHL Playoffs

    Habs gonna eat Boston!!!
  11. LeBim


    a big 5/10 the that shit......bouhhh In Flames in gigantour....
  12. LeBim

    PROFUGUS MORTIS with Kalmah in Quebec city.

    It a girl on the drum :) saw them live last year
  13. LeBim

    Im looking for similar bands to Skyfire

    Dawn fucking pwn every other band! But defenitly not the same shit as SF
  14. LeBim

    Kalmah Canadian Tour...

    L'ambiance des shows a montreal est tout simplement la meilleur :) Cest sur que Kalmah va accrocher!
  15. LeBim


    Go Habs Go !!!!!!