Recent content by LeftForDead78

  1. L

    Windows 7 - terrible midi playback, any way to replace GS wavetable synth?

    suffering here aswell, still any issue with the new guitar pro 6? anyone know?
  2. L

    The Sneap forum get's the news first...

    So I guess JSR aren't completely broke! haha :lol: well done dudes.
  3. L

    Tired of GuitarPro BS? Meet TuxGuitar.

    one thing i really miss on mac(i used to use this heaps on PC) is that you cant open 2 fucking instances or different tabs at once, for copying between a bunch of different tabs. WHY THE FUCCCKK. hope they fixed that with 6. i remember using tux ages ago. if i remember right, it wouldnt open...
  4. L

    Black Sheep Wall - heaviest shit ever

    fucking love black sheep wall.
  5. L

    DSS3's Stinnett guitar

    amazing guitar, how did you start building? anywhere you would send a person looking to start?
  6. L

    Modern Warfare 2 - who´ll grab it?

    awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww shit
  7. L

    Job offer: Re-amping and mastering for a 4 track ep

    i also play guitar in this project, posting to recive thread updates. :kickass:
  8. L

    Dave Lombardo & the new Slayer

    album is terrible. although, i wasnt surprised.
  9. L

    So I'm listening to the new BTBAM album

    their self titled was the best.
  10. L

    God did not create the earth, according to scripture.

    cheers for this, everything makes sence now. :|
  11. L

    Guitar Setup

    where does this info come from?, becasue i really like elixers. they seem great for dudes with acid sweat. (ala me)
  12. L

    Recommend me some usable Desktop-Speakers

    i dont know for sure, but i would bet decent multimedia speakers would be better if not up to par with cheap/crap monitors. i al also interested in this topic.
  13. L

    who's switching to snow leopard?

    has anyone had a problem who uses their pod as their main sound card type thing? apparently the driver is only a beta as line6 monkey has bugs.
  14. L

    Guitar Blueprints?

    i can hook you up with an autocad drawing of a tele, ive had it for awhile. id love to make a solid mahogany HH tele, but alas a dont have the gear.
  15. L

    vocals questions

    hey guys. wondering if i can get some advice on vocals. im about to finish recording a mates hardcore bands demo, i can post the mix if you guys wanna hear it but the thing is i dont have a large setup, basically ill be running a 58 >mixer > mac. so my question i just give him a...