Recent content by legion_of_fire

  1. legion_of_fire

    A sad sad choice I must make......

    i dropped the whole ciggerette thing when i stopped getting the lightheadeness, i dont drink cause i get hangovers, but i do smoke copious amounts of pot! and yes herjesus, metal is the most brillant form of music ive heard and i cant wait to see how it evolves!
  2. legion_of_fire

    Kilk Music Online!!!

    you guys arent half bad, though the recording isnt the best, i still think you guys pulled it off quite nicely. I usually go in with a poor state of mind when it comes to ok recordings, but i found myself headbanging when the guitars and drums picked up.
  3. legion_of_fire

    Was wondering Vehemence's take on a few bands...

    im not that huge of a fan of generic deathmetal such as the bands mentioned above, but i do enjoy morbid angel on occasion, even though the last album SUCKED ASS! domination is the only one i throughly enjoy
  4. legion_of_fire

    So am I the only one.....

    the best shit to fall asleep to in my opinion, is some good ol' power metal such as rhapsody, nightwish, or iron maiden. Deathmetal gives me a very strong urge to stand up and head bang :rock: and thus keeps me awake till i turn it off, so its my not my usual bedtime music of choice.
  5. legion_of_fire

    Vehemence played on Digital Cable

    yea i have this service but i have yet to hear any vehemence be played on the channe, though im not watching this channel 24/7. I will put in a request for vehemence off HTWTS though :p
  6. legion_of_fire

    ...stupid question... (gimme a stupid answer)

    how many copies were made originally? and are you ever planning to re-release and re-master the sound?
  7. legion_of_fire

    What Vehemence song would you like to see a chic strip to?

    i would love to see either the lead singer of lacuna coil or arch enemy strip to she never noticed me..... *drools* hell any song as long as i got to see dem titties
  8. legion_of_fire

    Check out the American Flag pic with an X through it at an In Flames show.

    Well as with most (popular) metal bands, they evolve the music to meet the majority tastes of the general metal public. The new album isnt ANYTHING like pre - reroute to remain. All the ambient electronica, heavy riffs, and lack of original solos really pissed me off cause its not the in flames...
  9. legion_of_fire

    What are your favorite horror movies?

    IT Army of Darkness Frightners and many more...
  10. legion_of_fire

    Where is everyone from that posts in this forum?

    im going to the one in spokane... (MSN name is: mankinds innocence is mankinds guilt) but so far im hearing a lotta stuff about the show, like its 21 and over, the club has closed down... i just hope its not true....
  11. legion_of_fire

    Vehemence = Amazing Beyond Belief

    Personally i thought that Brutal melodic deathmetal was an oxy moron. (the melodic part at least) But you guys pull it off seamlessly! Soon deathmetal fans around the world will bow to you among the likes of the deathmetal greats! and if you guys feel like busting out some 2 mins solos, fucking...
  12. legion_of_fire

    A sad sad choice I must make......

    well unless youre physically addicted to the beer, id say drop that, get the smokes and the cd. Or vice versa. Personally id go buy an 1/8th and the cd and sit back at home and rock out like a stoned metalhead
  13. legion_of_fire

    ...stupid question... (gimme a stupid answer)

    the sound quality isnt as rich and full as the past albums, but it still represents the begining of the new age metal gods! :rock: I was fortunete to recieve of a copy of the cd from a friend who went out and bought it (where i have no clue) But if you ever get a chance to listen to any of the...
  14. legion_of_fire


    sure pot opens up pathways for more creativity, but if you have to rely on pot to to write music its not really "you" that writing the music. Personally i love getting baked and rocking out to music but when it comes to writing lyrics when im high i try and refrain so it doesnt become a...
  15. legion_of_fire

    Where is everyone from that posts in this forum?

    originally from gilbert, AZ :rock: but i was forced to move to coeur d alene, ID by means to which i have no power over (parents)