Recent content by Leighndn

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    Wanted : Set Lists

    Here's Ninedenine's set... Garden New Device The Scars Embers Spreading the ashes Static Rock!
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    Ninedenine say 'Thankyou!!'

    Hey All Thanks for checking us out @ Bloodstock, it ROCKED \nn/ :loco: Lots of people said lots of nice things about us which is great - it's the best festival we've been to all year & there were some top performances... I really enjoyed Fulc, Illuminatus, CH, Bumsnogger & I'm afraid...
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    'The British are on the march - and you are about to be assaulted'... Malcolm Dome, Metal Hammer UK 'supplying a potent brew of hard-hitters'... Ronnie Kerswell, Rocksound UK 'miss them at your peril'... Patrizia Mazzuoccola, Powerplay UK 'songs that don't just fill your airspace but...