Recent content by Leitmotif

  1. Leitmotif

    Katatonia Elimination game.....

    Dissolving Bonds+6 Displaced+4 Code Against the Code+4 Sulfur+4 O How I enjoy the light+4 Wait Outside+5 Leaders+4 Deliberation+4 Soil's Song+4 My Twin+4 Consternation+4 Follower+4 Rusted+4 Increase+3 July+4 In the White+4 The Itch+3 Journey through Pressure+4 Ghost of the...
  2. Leitmotif

    Katatonia Elimination game.....

    Hey, my names RJ...I checked this site out after I got my tickets to the Katatonia show on the 27th, I have been a huge fan for such a long time.... This is a game I have seen played in a lot of places and its pretty cool so...each song starts off with 4 points and for each person tha wants...