Recent content by Lenny2506

  1. L

    Anyone Here Going To The Brisbane Show (12/1)

    I wish. I kinda.... Ran out of money :lol:
  2. L

    Has anyone gotten their CD yet?

    I still don't have it =[ And its the 10th =P I'll wait till the end of next week. => I guess lol
  3. L

    The Wrath Of The Norsemen Tour - Australia / New Zealand

    That looks like my hand On the left NO joke! Seriously :heh: I'll take a few pictures of my hand to prove it if you wish The vain that comes down from my index finger. I have that I'm skinny, My forearm has that tone to it. And yeah. Looks totally like my hand! LOL Good pictures btw. The...
  4. L

    "Woods 3" Now Available for Order from The End Records!

    Awesome =D so you will be shipping it anyday now. =D I can't wait. Hehe
  5. L

    Year's End Greetings from DG / This Forum in January 2008...

    So this is going to be a 2008 release? Thats awesome. Definitely will be in my top 10 for 2008. From the songs I have heard, I'm quite positive. Downloading the album now. Thanks heaps guys. =D I look forward to receiving it soon in the new year. =]
  6. L

    The real genuine official Woods III discussion thread

    Sooo likeeeee Do you have the album? =P
  7. L

    my story :(

    Mate you have touched me =[ You will see a show of Amon Amarth. If I had more money and time. I would pay for you to come to Australia and see it. Just because you went to all that trouble to go see them. You, sir, are a true fan :kickass: =[ Oh and by the way, when you said this...
  8. L

    Any updates on new CD?

    Really? Ohh ok. Thats got to suck much Public transport? Trains? How about them? Yeah certainly seems like it. Lol I live close to the City of Sydney in Australia and haven't really lived in "middle of no where" So yeah. I envy you =]
  9. L

    Any updates on new CD?

    Ohhhh :lol: Thanks for that geography lesson =] How long would it take to get to Edmonton? About 4 hours yeah?
  10. L

    Any updates on new CD?

    Serious? Where did you buy it from? If I buy something over the net and it takes more than a week to get. (This being in Sydney of course.) I get on the phone almost every hour and demand for it. Well only really demand if they aren't direct with me. So a few thousand kilometers? You live...
  11. L

    WoY now on

    ^ + 1 times infiniate =P "But the keyboard (piano) things are cool" LOL wtf? =\
  12. L

    Any updates on new CD?

    ^ Mannn... When yous get your copies. It'll probably take another week for us Aussies to get them. David Send the Aussies ones out a week before you send them all out? :p
  13. L

    The Morningside

    Done. Thanks a lot guys. =]
  14. L

    WoY on "The Great Black North" Radio!!! \w/

    Oh that is awesome. =] Even though its the first time I've heard of this radio station Is this also a radio station like on the radio Or just mainly internet radio?
  15. L

    Any updates on new CD?

    His probably holding it till 2008 like we told him to do. :p Just to make sure its a 2008 release =]