Recent content by liksvette

  1. liksvette

    New Fan

    Haha, I like that sentiment! Yeah, there's a lot of "old" American influences in our music. We'd love to repay the favor!
  2. liksvette

    An introduction of me and, Insense: Get your lyrics out!

    Hi! Thanks for the serious feedback. Haha, that girl was sweet. She didn't realize her boob was out, though I tried repeatedly to inform her. "Your boob is out! YOUR BOOB IS OUT!!!" But thank you to her, nice boobs. Being the only thing in the cover that is not freely available, we try to make...
  3. liksvette

    In Flames Headlineshow (Fall 2011)
  4. liksvette

    In Flames Headlineshow (Fall 2011)

    That's the goal! Well thank you! Big Muff 68 is a project that Ola and I started way back. We've recorded the album and everything is ready to go, but it's been put on hold while we are busy with Insense. It's a bit more mellow, but still quite cool. Check it out on facebook!
  5. liksvette

    In Flames Headlineshow (Fall 2011)

    Don't know. Guess we just thought it looked cool. It's twelve years ago now so I can't remember. We don't know much about the Autumn touring yet. I think you can bet on a fairly short set. We'll probably just have enough time to do the five good ones in our repertoire! :)
  6. liksvette

    In Flames Headlineshow (Fall 2011)

    There is a shitload of bands called Insense in one form another; InSense, In-Sense, In Sense blablabla. Even Michael Schenker's solo project was called Insense for a short period, until he found out there was another band with that name. No biggy, first come, first served! :)
  7. liksvette

    In Flames Headlineshow (Fall 2011)

    Oh yeah? Excellent! Make sure you say hi when we get there! :)
  8. liksvette

    Review our new single.

    Yeah, the dvds are nice. Some good warm-up hints there. We are working on tour plans for the Autumn, so be sure to check back around aug-dec sometime! :)
  9. liksvette

    Review our new single.

    Haha, thanks for the feedback, appreciate it. I'm not the right guy to ask for advice. I'm still working out the kinks. My voice tends to improve after about 30 minutes, when I've "shaved off" the edges. Ideally I would scream for about 30 minutes prior to the show, but I never do, mostly for...
  10. liksvette

    Review our new single.

    Thanks for the feedback! Much appreciated! I don't recommend dreads. Their heavy, annoying and full of shit. But that's what happens when it hurts to comb. Anyways, I don't think In Flames see the benefit of doing a collab with us. But hell, we'd be up for it!
  11. liksvette

    Microphone setup for drums

    Hi Calle! There are a couple of mic settings we tend to use more often than others, one is the BETA91 in the BD. Also some quality condencer mics on the toms, but you need to be careful with the cymbal bleeds. Lastly I'm a fan of micing the snare shell. Place an sm57 directly facing the middle...