Recent content by Lil' Miss Mayhem

  1. Lil' Miss Mayhem

    True American Black Metal

    Aww the spirit of Norsk Arisk in America....Good Going. America has really good metal talent..think MOrbid this one looks interesting
  2. Lil' Miss Mayhem

    a little survey

    Cradle of Filth: CoF- that ppl actually buy these albums Dimmu Borgir:Stormblast Opeth:Still LIfe Satyricon:Nemesis Divina Borknagar:Empiricism Soilwork:Steel Bath Suicide Children of Bodom:Hatecrew Deathroll In Flames: Whoracle (toss up between whoracle and jester race) Arch Enemy:Black...
  3. Lil' Miss Mayhem

    What do you do for a living?

    I also study politics...and some history cuz I love carnage!
  4. Lil' Miss Mayhem

    What do you do for a living?

    I am student.... I plan on doing that for a while still
  5. Lil' Miss Mayhem

    Christmas Shopping! how is everyone doing....

    Awww Great! I knew I would not be able to go through an entire december without at least someone reminding me that xmas is coming.
  6. Lil' Miss Mayhem


    OfSinAndShred: Setherial is a great swedish Black Metal Band. Or if u wanna get urself into the mainstream check out Burzum If I were you I would check out the following bands (originally a power metal fiend myself): Sacrifist Architechture of Aggression These...
  7. Lil' Miss Mayhem


    Yup that may indeed have something to do with it..... I am more Black Metal...I have nothing against death metal...heck I even like power metal (Stratovarious excluded... :grin: )
  8. Lil' Miss Mayhem

    Against War !

    Argh u know gatedropper...that old bitch that goes by the name of "Convention" (hope no one on the forum has that handle) whahahaha! I have to add that I am learning drums at the moment...apparently being able to play only Black Metal Blast beats aint good enough...go figure huh...
  9. Lil' Miss Mayhem

    Let's Go Red Sox!!!!

    Man i agree that movie rules! You must see it, i have seen it and i am from the third world for god's sake! what are the red sox? :blush:
  10. Lil' Miss Mayhem

    Metallica Fuckin Blows

    slayer competes with cradle of filth in the 'my fave boyband category'. whether or not they suck...they cannot possibly suck as much as the new metallica. I put a black label bottle on my bass drum pedal and play my snare drum with a spatula to get lars' new sound... This generally works, I know...
  11. Lil' Miss Mayhem

    Against War !

    Ahhhh military power... I have always prided myself in being a warlord, not much has changed.... I agree power, greed, money, all it does is lead to corruption...
  12. Lil' Miss Mayhem

    Against War !

    PS: I also hate light beer...sure i am girl...girls arent spose to drink beer...but i am also a drummer so i have an excuse...
  13. Lil' Miss Mayhem

    Against War !

    I completely agree gatedropper! You have to wonder at which point oil become a more important resource than people. A military enterprise of this scale cost a pretty penny... and if it does go on and on and on like hypocrisy 86 is suugesting the cost will outweigh the benefit... I am in no...
  14. Lil' Miss Mayhem

    what animals wouldn't you eat?

    Emu eggs....sounds good...does it give u as much gas as germans? this is the question. I also do not generally eat meat...the whole animals are my friends thing. Not that I am a tree hugging hippie (those dont have culture only agri culture) sheerly cuz shame man...shame... Not much else i...
  15. Lil' Miss Mayhem

    Introduce yourself fucks...

    Hey, I am a warlord! (This is in fact possible) I am also from South Africa...(cry me a fucking river okay?) And I like BM...not big momma's....BLACK METAL