Recent content by Linza

  1. Linza

    Hartwall concert report

    Heaps of Americans went to the Hartwall show. Two of them crashed in my student-apartment. It was great fun, and the pyrotechnics were finally where they should be -- IN the audience! :D I wasn't close enough to really see anything, but the sound quality was decent for being the back of a...
  2. Linza

    Get to know your fellow nighwish fan

    Hei C. I was indeed located in Texas, city of Houston; which probably cemented my decision to study environmental engineering. Right before I came home for the summer there was some sort of massive oil spill nearby, perhaps you've heard about it... Then, shortly after I arrived home in June...
  3. Linza


    My answer was to point at something far away, ask what it was called in Finnish, then to run away when she turned to look. That's my usual answer when people ask me that question here in Finland. It's the safest possible response.
  4. Linza

    Get to know your fellow nighwish fan

    No hei... Some of you may remember me from somewhere or other-- hopefully not. Please let me know if I've offended you in the past... I tend to do that (travel back in time and offend people) and not realize it, so notification is good. Those who don't, hello. Name: Linza age: Too...
  5. Linza


    Fun story. My first year in Finland, possibly my first day in university, my student-tutor saw I was wearing my nightwish hoodie and immediately asked who I liked better, Tarja or Anette. Apparently they're a big deal over here, for some reason... ;)
  6. Linza

    What is Your Favorite Nightwish Album?

    Would it be too cheesey to say, "the next one" ?