Recent content by Liquid Shadow

  1. L

    James LaBrie vs. Jason Rullo

    They're both boring, technical wankers. I wish one of them would learn to put some EMOTION into their solos...they should both really listen to some more Michael Angelo, it would do them a lot of good.
  2. L

    Fav. Symph X solo

    Awakenings is like a big Pinella-kicks-your-ass fest.
  3. L

    who is your favorite metal drummer?

    My drum machine has good technique too. Just because someone has good technique does not mean I qualify them as one of the best metal drummers or one of my favorites. That takes a mix of both technical prowess and musical appeal. I didn't even say that he's not a talented drummer technically...
  4. L

    who is your favorite metal drummer?

    So he plays double bass and hits his St. Anger snare drum what? How about something technically proficient, AND interesting to listen to? He's got speed, but I didn't hear anything interesting dynamically, rhythmically, or for "note choice" (I think of different drum/cymbal...
  5. L

    james labrie- elements of persuasion

    That's not the definition of nu metal....
  6. L

    who is your favorite metal drummer?

    I would consider him metal at times. Just listen to The Noble Savage or Clonus by Planet X. Granted, most metal drummers don't play 4/4 against 3/4 riffs, but he's still played some material I would classify as metal. :p
  7. L

    The Official Band/Project/Whatever (yours or anyones) Promotion Thread The last song, Birth of the Shadows, is a very SX-ish song that I did with another DT forum member as an online collaboration. Cool stuff...check it out. The other tracks are parts of Jens Johansson tunes that I did some soloing over. Edit: and...
  8. L

    Lepond at his best...

    How can you say that one is definitely better than the other while following that up with a sentence saying that you're not familiar with everything from the two being compared? I suggest you look up "definitely" in the dictionary sometime. Perhaps then you'll learn to spell it correctly. :Spin...
  9. L

    Kinda OT: Prog v. Power Metal?

    You're right. Music that challenges the mind is for sissies. I'm gonna go listen to some techno...
  10. L

    Romeo's Favorite Scales

    Don't get caught in the trap of using diminished arps or anything else "weird" like that if you don't know how to treat them properly. They are excellent if you use them the right way, but will make you sound rediculous if throw them in "just because."
  11. L

    just got that awesome feeling..

    Honor Thy Father has some pretty sweet moments in it. The drumming in the intro is great, and the keyboard interlude is easily one of my favorite moments of the album. ToT could have been ranked among their best albums if they had taken a little time to trim off the excess stuff and perfect...
  12. L

    just got that awesome feeling..

    Insert endless posts that bash Dream Theater because Symphony X are t3h gr8st band ev4hr!!!11 below this line: ________________________________________________
  13. L

    To any decent keyboard players...

    That's very odd...what fingering do you use for the other notes with that? I have never heard of or seen that used before...
  14. L

    Awakenings intro sounds like a video game

    The Sea of Lies unison is totally like something from a Nintendo game
  15. L

    Biggest Reason Alexi is a complete tard?

    Justinschut, I too have found that swearing at people and insulting them is the best way to make them see your side of things. It's a very convincing argumentative strategy. Good job.