Recent content by Living Dead Beat 8mm

  1. Living Dead Beat 8mm

    Describe the person above you.

    ^should protect his music from minions stealing it.
  2. Living Dead Beat 8mm

    Who's Better, Herman Li or Alexi?

    this is somewhat of a stupid comparison....I say alexi by far for his technique and unique sound.When i say unique sound...i mean he creates his sound with just distortion....he doesnt throw fucking phasers and all that gay shit DF throws covers way too many mistakes and even then with...
  3. Living Dead Beat 8mm

    It's that time again COB fans...interview questions

    Well i'd like to know how alexi feels about jackson guitars?....i'm probly guessing he's got a settled perminant deal with ESP or else something would of happened but alexi always talked about his wild child guitar like it was family....
  4. Living Dead Beat 8mm

    An open letter to Bodom

    Great letter to show your respect for genious/extremely deticated musicians. and pffff my favorite bodom album is every song ever composed by them. They all have their own unique punch to them that can never be matched. :kickass::rock::kickass:
  5. Living Dead Beat 8mm

    Interested in buying a Jackson Wildchild RR???

    yes do it...i'd gladly go with this then my alexi LTD 600.....jackson guitars for life.
  6. Living Dead Beat 8mm

    What happened to Bodom Neoclassical influence?

    I own the alexi 600 and i'll agree that jacksons rape a lot more...they are the best hands down. To this day i think alexi would say the same or shit he'd still be playing ibanez. But i dont think they lost the yngwieness in their music. Your writing changes over time. Look at metallica...well...
  7. Living Dead Beat 8mm

    Guitar Player's Thread

    alright....i got my LTD Alexi 600 and now one of the screwheads in the back of the guitar is i dont want to be using damn vice grips to adjust the springs at the back so does anybody know the length of screw used in the guitar?
  8. Living Dead Beat 8mm

    looking for Bodom covers

    they did aces high...THATS IT! alexi said nothing of the trooper.
  9. Living Dead Beat 8mm

    looking for Bodom covers

    That could work. so your on a bodom foroum talking about ripping them off by downloading their well composed music?
  10. Living Dead Beat 8mm

    Favorite guitar poll.

    Anything Jackson...especially Vs......Most Esp's im gonna love my alexi if ever set it up perfect.....CFH dean, then whatever ibanez...probly S series.
  11. Living Dead Beat 8mm

    Guitar Player's Thread

    Can someone help me with my floyd rose question. I bought the alexi 600 like a few days ago....Tossed some DR 11-50s on there for d standard tuning....opened the back up and tossed another spring on..the floyd feels a bit stiff..does it need breaking in or should i take the one of the springs off?
  12. Living Dead Beat 8mm

    What Guitar Strings Did Alexi Use For Blooddrunk?

    do you think alexi lowers the action on the higher strings before playing? im going through DR 11-50 fresh. The floyd and strings feel like the need breaking in a lot.
  13. Living Dead Beat 8mm

    Guitar Contest

    how can i give constructive criticism if there is nothing to criticize? just play it excactly like that every time. oh ya...what the fuck is with all the negative votes on RedSGShredder? Someone explain why he shouldnt win?
  14. Living Dead Beat 8mm

    Best 'Bed of Razors' cover ever

    oh damn. listening to that is like having a pinecone rammed up my ass.
  15. Living Dead Beat 8mm

    Your favorite Bodom track from each album

    Something Wild- Deadnight Warrior Hatebreeder-Children of Bodom Tokyo Warhearts-Touch like an angel of death Follow The Reaper- Kissing The Shadows Hate Crew Deathroll-Chokehold(cocked "n" Loaded) Are You Dead Yet-In Your Face Blooddrunk-Blooddrunk