Recent content by livingdeadgirl724

  1. L

    Sacred Dawn pics are available

    Your pictures are gorgeous! Not just the quality of the shots themselves looking so clear and vibrant, but capturing the action, the energy....BRAVO!!!
  2. L

    Did You Know ... *

    DYK...that left and right feet float differently? There have been severed feet found on the banks in Vancouver, BC ... right ones found washing up on one side, and left feet washing up on another side. They are showing up with a sock and shoe on. Officials were speculating they were probably...
  3. L

    Midwest Metal Anthem 2008

    I will be there usual! It was fun to see what Corey had done so far with the 2007 footage...Aaron was right, the Ravensthorn clips came out extra-great! Now I'm still in suspense waiting to see how the Saturday show clips will look when he is done with them!
  4. L

    Quotes From Powerfest 2008

    :ill: Now really, who would chow on 2 day old "Hellburgers" and Keystone for breakfast?? (both room temp, too) :lol:
  5. L

    Quotes From Powerfest 2008

    Yep, that was me, but I am actually from Pennsylvania. I was getting tired of standing so during Suidakra I decided to sit, which I figured would work out well for Ray and Dan who were standing with/behind me...that gave them a better view. A couple songs into Testament I was finally ready to...
  6. L

    Quotes From Powerfest 2008

    My roomies telling me Saturday morning about their adventures at White Castle after leaving the Friday Super 8 party (I ended up crashing at the 8 for a few hours and catching a ride back to our hotel in the morning)...they had the 30-pack Crave Case, and there were still some left inside, not...
  7. L

    Weather is looking real bad...

    Thursday night coming in from the east wasn't bad, just barely sprinkling. Friday when I was ready to leave the hotel for the show, waiting for my friends to get their act together, one looked from the window and announced: "I hope you know it's raining exactly sideways at the moment." And just...
  8. L

    POWERFEST Rollcall

    (Phooo...this thread was posted too late for me to respond prior to the event...We drove out on Thursday, attended Fri/Sat night shows, drove home Sunday into Monday morning.)
  9. L

    Twelfth Gate's Set at Powerfest 08

    From where I stood in the balcony, it seemed like the bass was overpowering all other sound, but not to the point that I couldn't enjoy the set. I think TG still came through it like champs, and I will always be happy to make the trip out to see them whenever I can!
  10. L

    SACRED DAWN - Thanks for Filling in on Saturday!

    Absolutely...agreement all the way around. Adding SD to the show made the Saturday night lineup even more exciting for me. You should have heard the people up in the balcony around me who had never heard of them before raving about them! I was glad to hold their places on the railing for them as...
  11. L

    Tickets for sale for Friday and Saturday

    I may actually end up being one of them...The date for the JP show is just days before MMA, so I may just come early and stay a few extra days. ( aka :"recuperation days between events") In the meantime; I'll see ya next week! :kickass:
  12. L

    Happy Birthday Mike

    Aww, that's a shame...well, I guess I'd best figure out how and when to get down to VA to visit... and tape you guys again.
  13. L

    Happy Birthday Mike

    Oh, then happy belated b-day to you as well....and thank you! *cheers* :kickass:
  14. L

    Happy Birthday Mike

    EEEP! I'm a little late, as I haven't been on this site in a couple weeks....happy belated to a fellow Aries!! (Mine was March 24) See you at Powerfest?
  15. L

    Anybody else collect vinyls?

    Yep, been collecting since I was just a little kid! Of course my interests have evolved over the years....but there's nothing quite like the smell of new vinyl, and all the great pix, the bonus goodies, etc, no matter what! I scored some cool stuff over the years, especially when I was going to...