Recent content by loktide

  1. loktide

    Kemper - weird cracks and pops

    I also get that when using S/PDIF with my MAudio profire 610 interface. I fixed it by setting the device clock/sync (not sure how exactly it was named) to "external" on my interface's settings. You might want to try that
  2. loktide

    Bought a 5150 II with an unknown mod

    this is quite far fetched, but judging by the size of the electrolytic caps as well as the location, my guess it that these are for switching in a bigger value cathode bypass caps. This would most likely make the lead channel excessively muddy, mushy and overgained, but could be cool in the...
  3. loktide

    Back in the Axe-FX Cult! Back to the 80s

    sounds really good man. sold the kemper?
  4. loktide

    5150 versions & the bright cap?

    the bright cap is located at the gain pot and acts as a high-pass at lower gain settings. In most cases it's only noticeable with the gain set lower than half-way. Of course this depends on the cap and pot value... In the 5150 is just like with the SLO (500k || 1n). BTW, this is exactly what...
  5. loktide

    EVH 5150 III Mini - Metal - Mesa+Marshall Killer?

    yup, definitely the 5153 mini.
  6. loktide

    Kemper vs Mesa BLIND TEST

    touché :D did you post EQ or process the kemper clip in any way to match the original?
  7. loktide

    Kemper Profiling Amp

    i really doubt you want PI or output stage distortion on a high-gain amp. maybe for some stoner tones, though :D
  8. loktide

    Bogner Überschall 'rev green' [EU]

    Ok. I thought rev green was a reference for the green PCBs and pilot light in contrast to the blue pilot lit and PCBs in the "rev blue". Which doesn't help for differentiating the rev2 from the first uber version :-D So what is this called then? Rev1? 'original Uber'? Anyway, according...
  9. loktide

    Bogner Überschall 'rev green' [EU]

    Hey guys, I'm selling my Bogner Uberschall (230V). The amp works fine and has never failed me. Preamp tubes are currently a mix of Chinese 9th, Ruby's and a Sovtek LPS (phase inverter). Powertubes are Ruby EL34s (approx 2 years old). This is the first revision (rev green) of the amp and...
  10. loktide

    Poll: Which DI is better? Apogee ONE vs Mackie Blackjack

    'A' is quite a bit louder, yes. not hearing a drastic difference between the two after adjusting volume. still, i'd go with A.
  11. loktide

    Kemper Profiling Amp

    i've tried profiling the 5150 model in the AxeII. It just doesn't translate as good as with real amps. The kemper adds it's own coloration which makes it sound quite different.
  12. loktide

    KILLSWITCH ENGAGE Taps Producer ANDY SNEAP For New Album Mix

    C'mon Andy, give us the Kemper profile! :D
  13. loktide

    Guitar tone on 'Becoming The Archetype - I Am'

    does anybody know what they used on this album? the guitar tone on this album kicks all sorts of ass, imo: i haven't been able to find usable infos about the production, unfortunately. sounds like a blend of recto/5150 to me, but who knows :D
  14. loktide

    Kemper Profiling Amp

    yep, it is kinda like this with the kemper. sometimes the palm mutes don't sound quite right after profiling. there are ways to get closer, though: sometimes just by repeating the whole profiling or with enough 'refining'. also by using an EQ stomp before the amp 'stack' to correct...
  15. loktide

    Reamping via SPDIF with Kemper: gain-mismatch and tone loss

    yep. it works great now through SDPIF. i guess the converters on my profire suck balls or maybe it's related to the input impedance. anyway, it works now :D